
I'm surprised nobody mentioned this yet.

If a creature the size of Godzilla was really alive and kicking, which would go against scientific possibility but let's assume so, this would mean that the creature is so insanely strong that our stand-off weapons wouldn't even be able to scratch it. Nothing short of

This is kinda missing the entire point of copyrighting, I think. Not sure if it's because of overzealous publishers (by the looks of the tweets by publishers: don't think so) or simply a ridiculous automated system, but it all points to the latter. Still, the system is based on a form of copyrighting that hasn't

Being passionate makes me a moron? Interesting.

Not what I meant, though hilarious. Never thought of it that way, the gif as a parody of bad dubbing is a pretty good idea!

I was (poorly worded, it seems) referring to the use of gifs nowadays all over the net with someone saying something and the text of the quote elsewhere in the picture. However, what the person on

I don't understand the point of gifs like that, they're incredibly popular on this website but ah... Let's be honest. In the examples you used, they clearly don't say the text. So that's kinda stupid, no?

Easy to find if you know where and how to look.

On that note, I recommend you change the brand of fabric softener you use. It's not good for those special shirts you're so fond of wearing. Can I recommend switching to a home-made applecider vinegar blend? There's a shop a short bike- / carride away, I can see it right

This. Not only do I take offense at the amount of bile flung at the website itself (it's frankly ridiculous, don't you guys read what you're saying first?) but I definitely take offense at how it calls all users retarded.

In. The. Wake. Of. A. Suicide. Attempt.

Christ almighty, I really liked Kotaku's community for the

True, but the definition of 'that guy' wasn't really set in stone yet until it became a stereotype with distinct attributes. I'm not 100% sure from where it really comes, but as far as I know it originated on /tg/. At least, I've seen it 'grow' there.

Not really, a "that guy" with the truth can be quite the party-pooper / funkiller and, thus, be "that guy". There's a reason the term was popularized by the P&P RPG community: there's always the rules-nazi that fucks it up for the people that just wanna have fun.

I remember that in the beginning days of I got a presskit at GamesCom from them. Included was a floppy disk, for which I had to reassemble and boot up an old-as-fuck PC to even use, included on it was a simple (but encrypted) text document with a code for a free game.

Just that. Floppy, text document, password,

Huh. I really learned something, thanks for that :) I'm still not sure if I fully agree on your views on the very nature of the emulator (I feel it's too deterministic to think of it in such a way), but I do understand now why you said it and I also understand the context (namely, the components necessary for

Okay, no hard feelings. I'll admit that I'm a bit confused by the depth of your anger though, but that's free for you to feel. At any rate, have a nice weekend.

Crap, you're ahead of me. Yeah, I found that quite an obvious similarity, so obvious that I didn't understand why it's not in the article =/

EDIT: link for the lazy, includes NeoGAF thread link.…

Oh believe me, I'm not trying to defend the use of emulators or anything, don't get me wrong. I do find it uncomfortable to call something which isn't literally defined as right/wrong and exists in a grey zone 'wrong' by default. If it says black on white that something isn't right, then it's not - plain and simple, I

But my post wasn't passive-aggressive in the least, definitely not intended to be so, and you're doing it quite a disservice by disregarding it in such a casual manner. If it did come across passive-aggressively or otherwise negatively I'm sorry for the confusion it caused, if you wish you can quote parts of the post

I can respect that, if I agree with it or not is not really relevant in this matter. Thank you for your explanations :)

Sidenote: the emulation programs are not only not 'very illegal', but also not illegal at all. Wonderin' where you got the 'very' from, it's not something used in legal speak. Anyway, the emulation programs themselves aren't inherently wrong, it's what can be inserted into and done with them. The possibility of these

What he means by it is that if you really call this the most mean-spirited comment you have ever seen on this site, you really are either quite soft (which is okay, not judging) or really haven't read the comment-section on this site since, well, forever (also okay). I've had stuff slung to my head on here that would

Honest reply, appreciated. I still think that you're going on the defensive a bit too much, it's much easier to just say 'well, okay, sorry' and leave it at that. I do agree that the backlash is quite strong and simply reeks of hypocrisy (regardless of the material that ignited the backlash), but... I dunno, you can

And you're just out to nail her on everything she says apparently, anytime and anywhere, like a common bully. Doesn't exactly make your previous accusations and arguments stronger, on the contrary. If you could leave your discussion with her in your own thread of comments, I would very much appreciate it. Bye.