
But ah, I'm interested in this: why haven't you mentioned that you haven't made the pic? You just repost, yet you defend it as if you claim ownership. I'm confused by this, you could more easily shove it off as 'only reposting, sorry'. For the record, I don't have an opinion in this debate that I'd like to voice

I have to give Capcom credit on how they spinned the whole DLC thing. "You're not paying for DLC, you're paying tithes for absolution." Good angle, I'll give 'm that.

Pah, Shinto Fu is where it's at.

Mormon Kombat would be pretty damn cool if you ask me. "Joseph Smith wins! Bibleity!"

Haha, that's quite a story :D Got more like that?

In my memory they sound akin to turkeys. Even as a kid I found them more hilarious than scary :D

My point exactly, you wouldn't exactly tell them to "fuck off!" when they show up like this. Or maybe you would, but more mumbly and without the exclamation mark because you're too busy soiling both the front and back of your pantaloons.

Intimidation is one of the prime weapons in war. If you can intimidate an enemy force to such an extent that they withdraw, a battle (or entire war?) can be won with minimal casualties. So yeah, these masks could do more than just protect, they might even prevent the need for protection I think :)


Crap, you got me. Now excuse me so I can cry myself to sleep in the foetal position.

Yeah, nice. Guerilla made Killzone and is now internationally famed, Abbey Games made the excellent Reus with a really low budget (I know the people behind it, labor of love if ever there was one) and received international acclaim, and here comes InterWave fucking up the reputation of the Dutch gamedevs. Thanks for

Zelda already has bombs and bomb-arrows, so I see no problem with this. Besides, name one thing that DIDN'T get better with more explosions. One thing. I DARE YA.

Ruined my day. Thanks for that :'(

I'd pay to see that, for sure. Throw in Christopher Walken as Gannon and I'll pay in kidneys.

Yeah, that. And to be honest, there should always be one person who's willing to experiment, and whatever Cage cranks out, at least he tries to do new stuff, take risks, et cetera, and that I really respect. And I'll fully ignore the similarities between Heavy Rain and Two Souls in saying this, because that's not

Oh dude, inspiration strikes, separate from the whole Cage-does-Zelda thing: let Ninty design (visually, mostly) the normal Hyrule, let Cage do the Dark World. I'd be interested to see what kind of weird darkness the guy can come up with. Movie, game, I don't care, would be interesting.

I'll be honest, I love Uwe Boll in a so-bad-it's-good-kinda way, and I honestly thought Rampage and Assault on Wall Street were pretty good movies. Hell, I wouldn't mind seeing what Boll comes up with, I kinda see him as a re-inventor instead of a adapter when it comes to game-movies nowadays. Eases a lot of anger.

Agreed, let Aonuma and Miyamoto have their hands in it. No clue who writes the script, but leave it up to Ninty themselves I'd say. In the mean time, Miyamoto / Aonuma / Cage can brainstorm on the game vs. movie mechanics, that'd be coolio.

Oh boy, I'm sure David Cage is dialing Ninty right at this moment.

Completely missed the point, good job.