
At least I feel enough for the game to actually be sad about the lack of excitement, so I guess that means it's a good thing. Kinda. Sorta. Not really.

Crap, this trailer made me feel sad. I lovelovelove Zelda, and yet I can't seem to get even a little bit excited :'(

It's not Agency Detection, interesting as that is (like 99% of all ghost / UFO / alien / whatever sightings are caused by it), it's the instinctual way we look at images at first glance before we start processing what's actually on it. There's no real consensus on what is the reason behind this, theories are, amongst

It's this kind of extremism that screws over their entire organization and the cause they are fighting for, being almost the sole reason people don't take vegetarian/animal activism seriously anymore. At the very least they've ruined the reputation of their own organization to such an extent that I've found myself to

That's not true actually, we're built to go the other way: our first reaction is to instinctively believe everything we see, it's only after that that we start to critically analyse it and spotting the truth (myth of photographic truth, Roland Barthes). So even though you know they're off at first glance, your mind

If your phone would go off in the cinema or something, I'd tap you on the shoulder and tell you that your ringtone is the shit, by extension your taste in music is the shit, and hence you are cool. Then I'd still tell you to turn it off, but you get my point.

Same here, if only for the fact that it makes the universe feel more real and consistent. Heavily armored soldiers with tactical vests and toolbelts followed by a scantily clad girl who gameplaywise is the same just doesn't work for me. Let alone that I don't see the point of the whole partially-dressed-thing. Wanna

So let me get this straight. You don't care, but you still post about not caring about it. Someone calls you out on the above fact. You reply with the "no u" argument, afterwards replying to someone else that they need to not-care and grow up.

You're not exactly the new Aristotle, are you?

Request, eh, seconded. I need to know, because I'm a trivia- and knowledge freak, ya know? Besides, this dude above me wants to know too, so yeah.

Whatever man, water under the bridge. Maybe you're having a bad day too, what do I know, we all have our moments of weakness. Besides, like I said before you do raise a good point, we are inclined to see ourselves as the righteous one and others as the wrong ones. If you want to talk more about it I'm game, but I'll

Interesting. Instead of making a point of discussion out of my viewpoint, which would be a rather good point of discussion honestly (we as humans are hardwired for subjective truth), you basically come out swinging and call me an asshole and saying nobody's kind to me for that reason. When you were writing that

It's a red thread through society nowadays, I see it a lot where I live too. People that don't take the smallest of efforts to be nice anymore. No greetings to public workers (busdrivers, grocery store employees, etc.), no turnsignals when driving / biking "because no-one's there but you" (my dog was almost hit

So much this. Once I went online to check out if there were more secrets to be found Ruby, I stumbled onto the whole EV/IV minmaxing community and then the magic was just, poof, gone and never came back. Mathematics killed the spark, I guess.

Oh sweet lord, I will gladly suffer a bothersome death by dehydration and malnutrition for this. Now let me just score that AX deluxe arcade cabinet and I will pass on without regrets.

The uncensored version didn't really make this better, sadly. It really seems like they, for lack of better wording, bitched out during development and toned down the executions even before the ridiculous censoring. It just feels... off. That, and the narrative / lack of scoring system / world in general just wasn't

This. The second Manhunt was okay'ish, but the first one was excellent. I also really liked the commentary and themes the game conveyed (although I might be looking too hard into it), I'd like to see what more can be done with it.

Lolwut. This kind of boggles my mind. Of course, it's not a crime not to know, but considering how normal the word 'otaku' is it can't actually be called niche anymore. Still, I can understand that you haven't heard it before if you frequent certain circles, so whatevs I guess.

However, part deux: the show isn't about

Dude, calm down. There's Kotaku Core (at least, I think there still is) if you don't want articles like this to appear. Next to that, you can also just scroll past and/or ignore this article, which requires almost zero effort (you basically spent more on your post).

My heart skipped a beat when I saw Valiant Hearts. Then I realised I confused it with Vandal Hearts, and then I became sad :'(

Oh man, don't even mention it. I only watched RoboCop 1 as a kid so the memories were vague, and did a marathon today. 1 was pretty good, 2 was pretty okay, 3 I didn't even finish because boring. TV series I didn't start, the description was already bad enough for me ("family oriented", hell no).