
See what I replied to John Michael, also applies to your comment :)

Also something I never understood. The dude was a great wrestler and entertainer, that died under tragic circumstances. The acts that transpired before his death were sad to say the least, but to wipe him off the record is a disservice so great that it borders on insulting. It's also a great way of plugging the ears

I find it weird that his entire professional record is wiped clean. What's the use? He committed the act, not the NFL, so don't give me that bullshit about 'trying to keep up appearances'. It looks insanely more douchey, not to mention hypocritical, to simply deny the dude exists, if you ask me.

Plenty of other people are, though.

Dude, you understand it so well. If you were here in person I'd shake your hand and call you my brother.

To be fair, that IS Gizmodo. They don't exactly have a history of opinions that are in favor of rationale but go more into the area of 'shut up, plebeian (also Apple <3)'. I'm overdoing it, but it does feel like it. I agree with cheering on innovation wherever possible, I really do, but not all innovation is good

I have my own opinions about the stories posted here, I'll be honest about that, and in the interest of healthy discussion I won't share them (opinions, after all). However, I do have this to say:

Why, in the flying fucknoodling christ, do guys do this? I mean, really, if at an age like that you still haven't learned

As happy as I am with the announcement (actually I still have to play DKC:R and I doubt I want to, seemed soulless compared to the originals) I am slightly miffed with Ninty since a year or two, three. "Hey gamers, what would you like?" Well, how about a (severly) overdue new entry in the Wave Race / Metroid /

I'll take a cheeseburger chewed by my dog over Wii Music. Hell, I'd take Rock Revolution over Wii Music... brrr, bad memories.

I always wanted that. Also, Master Lightsabers, yes please.

Super Mario Galaxy 3.

To be honest, I always thought not having PS+ before this was already a really bad and stupid idea considering the value involved, nothing really changed. Insane amounts of free games across three platforms, then dropping in multiplayer as a premium is a bit of a moot point. A singleplayer wouldn't care anyway, and I

Actually, I retract my post. I'm interested in the debate and willing to go head to head, but I'm not willing to be called a sexist pig. And I probably will be. Post editted, content removed.

That he is guilty of something I won't dispute, but the extent of the guilt is something we will not agree on, I see. Information in the digital age is a different commodity than physical goods, and both lawmen and users alike aren't used to legal matters surrounding this yet. Not sure how much discussing it will sway

That's different considering the things that you took (or stole) and the privacy of the information concerned. On the other hand, if someone was stupid enough to lose their security card, the problem is not necessarily yours. In this case, he acquired legitimate logins, the method of acquisition in this case is what

Eh, he gained entry to that information by use of legitimate logins, he didn't hack nuffin'. Read the articles before you judge.

Wh- wh- what? And no Android release either? Slightly ironic if you ask me, Deus Ex was in a big part about corporate monopolies, so guess what? "Only on Apple's iDevices, lol". Nice going there, Eidos.

EDIT: ah, it's going to be a mobile series as well, instead of expanding the PC/console series. Double nice.

Thanks, haven't finished TWD yet. Good thing I won't have to. Ass.

Thanks for the backup! ;)

Too bad I can't recommend your post twice for two rather good jokes.