Typical, in the age of global communication I, as a European, am not allowed to buy Baldur's Gate Enhanced from Amazon. Because I'm European.
Fuck off, then.
Typical, in the age of global communication I, as a European, am not allowed to buy Baldur's Gate Enhanced from Amazon. Because I'm European.
Fuck off, then.
Yeah, I'm a firm supporter of the 'then don't' stance. Adele's music makes me want to strangle elderly people, so I simply don't listen to it. And complain about it online of course, it IS Adele after all.
I'm not comfortable with your separation of 'our world' and 'their world', especially considering those children playing in the rubble and taunting tanks are raised during wars that, yes I went there, the west brought over to them. Believe or not, times in Afghanistan and Iraq were hard and shitty, but the invasions…
I agree with your points about context, you've got me there, although I'd put questionmarks beside the value of context versus the statement of 'death and violence happens' but in essence you're correct.
However, ignoring acts like this, as myopic as it might be, devalues terrorism to such an extent that terrorism…
Actually, I knew Breivik wrote that manifesto because of the media, they were even so kind to provide in-depth information about it and point me to where I can find it. There was also reporting on him crying of joy when his manifesto was shown during the court case, with the entire thing shown on television. In…
My point exactly, in a way all the media attention glorifies the act without meaning to. Look at Anders Breivik in Norway, he committed the act so he would get attention and further his own agenda by making his intentions and statements clear to the world. And clear they were, considering the media reported nearly…
Mediocre I'd like to dispute, but flawed it was for sure. I don't know, through all the crudeness and the 'feminist whore'-incident I only saw a really good game in really crappy dressing with inept developers at the helm. It was a bit like playing a really good song through crappy speakers: the greatness is there,…
Thank you for your reply, Stephen!
A soldier was attacked and killed in London, in broad daylight, reportedly religious retribution. The perps did everything they could to get into the spotlight, they even posed for photos while brandishing the murder weapons before the police arrived. Source for ya: http://edition.cnn.com/2013/05/22/wor…
Funny thing…
"One is that the timing of this game's announcement is a little awkward, as, given the bloody events in London yesterday, this suddenly doesn't feel like a very appealing fantasy:"
That is a manufactured issue, stop doing that please. People get beheaded all over the world, people die all over the world, something…
Goddammit Kotaku, the US was NOT the saviour of Europe duing the second world war! Quit parading that around, please! (if it was satire / sarcasm, you got me good)
That said: first thing I thought about when I heard the connection between Always Online vs Fuck Da Armed Forces was Bill O'Reilly and the rest of the Fox…
I like how Drake looks, no problems there, my biggest problem is with his personality. To be honest, he's kind of a dick. I don't mean that in a 'he treats everyone like shit' way, but in a 'dude's a classic bully' way. All those funny quips and all that is something he gets away with because he's so dreamy and cute,…
It also shows a form of double standards that I'm uncomfortable with, which seems to be more prevalent in some cultures and countries. "Brutal slaughtering is totally fine, guys! Rip that cyclops' eye out, choke someone to death with a plastic bag, pull the trigger 'till it goes cli- oh hey, dude just shot up a…
To be honest, I wish more people were like Gaines (had to Google the dude though). I might or might not have agreed with the material he proposed as 'within good taste' and in some respects the man was clearly not entirely sane, but he did set an example of standing for what he believed in and published. I really…
I have to say, Guay's reply to your question about the IED was both ballsy and in my opinion correct. If this is a game about being a vigilante, they'll give you options to do what you want. That's the point of an open world game, anyway. Feel uncomfy about IED's considering the Boston Bombing? Well, don't use IED's…
"Hey guys, we are definitely not the most horrible company in the US. For realsies. Come on, just believe me man!" - Peter Moore (last week, 2013)
Your, let's call it that way, incident with the Korean kid is a perfect example of hate passed down to younger generations that probably shouldn't be. There's a difference between acknowledging that something happened and keeping a grudge I'd say. Sure, we still joke around with the Germans by telling them to give our…
Quite easy to say, but I get the feeling you're not a younger generation of a country that has seen the ravages of war. We Dutchies didn't even get hit by the brunt of WW2 although we were forced to have lots of our Jewish countrymen deported with nothing we could seem to do about it (national guilt), had our cities…