
That's absolutely fine - and you're completely entitled to that opinion. If you have an opinion, you don't need to back it up with spurious logic. You're opinion is valid without the need to create justification.

Seriously - you're just saying things for the sake of it now - it's not productive.

How could you not enjoy a story because its a retread of a game you hadn't played yet? There's no point in just arguing for the sake of it.

That may be your opinion, but to many Xbox owners, who hadn't played system shock 2, it was new and riveting.

I read your blog post , interesting - but missing out on one crucial detail.

You're basically saying - you are not in the woods, so there is no sound.

Alright mate, chill out! I personally take more offence from, I dunno, people who star cursing or getting agitated over such a tiny, irrelevant thing.

How what is now?

Just out of interest, I've only ever heard good things about Witcher 2... What was wrong with it?

I don't know who this Sesler guy is, but does his facial hair always look like that? Someone should tell him...

There are moments in this article where I actually found it hard to follow the points you are making - which is a shame, as its an otherwise interesting read.

I didn't say no 'filth-flarn-flarn-filth' - I don't know what you're talking about, you can shut the f**k up.


I would argue that in many ways its better to try something different and fail, than just to copy.

It's been a long day, so excuse me if I'm mistaken - but isn't paying if you're crap, and not paying if you're good the same thing? I've re-read that opening para a few times and I think I'm missing the point?

Joe vs the volcano?

Whenever I see the word Psygnosis I hear "Psygnosis presents. A DMA design game. BLOOOOOOOD MOOOONEY'

For someone who hates humanity - you sure are spending a lot of time engaging with them. If you crave more isolation why are you posting inflammatory comments on a popular blog.

@neverwander001 Empathy didn't cause them to attack the bus - they didn't doit because they understood how she felt. They did it because they were angry. Very different emotions.

To say "what's done is done" is a bit defeatist dont you think? "Slavery? Oh well, whats done is done!".