Its kind of insulting that civil partnerships were introduced in the first place. A different classification of partnership for 'different' people is still discriminatory. "well you can't have marriage - that's our.
Its kind of insulting that civil partnerships were introduced in the first place. A different classification of partnership for 'different' people is still discriminatory. "well you can't have marriage - that's our.
I see where you're going - except peeling stickers were done to death in 2001 when so called "web 2.0" kicked off.
cant wait to play the guy with the hat - his comedy stylings seem endlessley hilarious.
I'm sorry - but who studies web typography as part of a photography degree? Where is the eveidence that backs up all these pre-eminent typographer's opinions on screen typography. Why would they say as an aside "by the way photography students - as an aside to this talk about visual communication - use a serif font on…
Firstly - I totally agree that grammar Nazi's are a pain in the arse. I was more subtly trying to imply that the fact that versii didn't really know what s/he was talking about. Politeness wasn't necessarily my aim, but subtlety is easily lost in text. If my aim was to improve people's grammar then I'd be a bit of a…
No need to apologize for the spelling - I normally hate grammar Nazis - by highlighting your misspelling I was trying to imply that you didn't really know what you were talking about - especially considering your studies.
@TheFu: Or - even better, don't dismiss your UK readers as insignificant and essentially insult them by using them as a testing ground, and run a voluntary beta for about a year before rolling it out.
"That people typically hate even small design changes; and this was a big one. That an overhaul is always painful—and particularly so on the web, where critics are amplified by the medium itself. The logic—that we need to showcase our strongest stories and visuals, not merely our most recent—remains."
@The Maginomicon: So option 1 = Toejam and Earl?
@Squishpoke: Agreed - Its best not to think too hard about what you are actually physically DOING when you're gaming, as every game is essentially pressing a few buttons. Better to think about whther the experience is enjoyable or not.
The sad thing is that he somehow thinks having a relatively cool status amongst hackers makes him cool in the real world.
That. Sounds. Amazing.
Have you seen full metal Jacket or Generation Kill?
@Kermi: I know this is fairly irrelevant, but Shadow complex is pretty cool - worth picking up if its on sale. /offtopic
@ShaggE: Good Luck, Have Batman: LordDisco needs to get out more.
@KidKobun: run shoot duck repeat.
@El-Badass: I'm pretty sure you can jump, climb and do all sorts of things in enslaved can't you? I think the point he's trying to make is not necessariy the lack of a dedicated jump button, but the inability to get past a lot of waist high obstacles. For example - in this demo you can only go straigh up a ramp. If…
@KrautMcFriend: I can kind of see what Cliffy is saying, but theres a difference between people not jumping, and people gettings stumped behind a 3ft high wall (the a to climb over mechanic in this demo very rarely appears)