
It’s call fiction for a reason. As long as she does not claim it is factual, she has carte blanc in my book.

A can of Lysol spray is better! Cools your skin instantly.

Oh no! 7 to 15 miles a day! What a burden that isn’t. You do realize that it is recommended that people walk upwards of 5 miles a day just to be considered healthy?

It all depends on your perspective. For example, does Wal-Mart have scanners at the door because they thing you personally are a thief; or because they know for a fact that some people are thieves.

Anyone that would have the chops to make use of such a tool, does not need to buy one as there are many easy how-to videos on YouTube:

You are welcome to...

Drywall compound. :)

Did you actually watch the video? When ever the switched to a “first person view” the showed the borders.

When it has to fit in a case that is 7mm thick.

Yea, but they do it poorly and not will the full content seen on the Rift or Vive. There is a reason the Rift and Vive require a $300 video care, and that is without processing an external video feed.

Likely because to the wearer, the images look like the “holograms” we have seen in movies.

It is a simulated-hologram. Just hologram for short.

Who said it can’t? It can show streaming video, why would it have trouble with polygons?

I am going to assume that you have not kept up with the press. This has been demonstrated, in person, hands-on to thousands of people. It is not fake.

Because, you then increate the computation power needed by an order of magnitude.

This version is easier on your liver and kidneys.

Language evolves. I am sure it quickly went from “hologram like” to just calling them holograms. If you want to discuss regular holograms, you really need to be more specific anyway. There are reflective holograms and transmission holograms among others.

No, you asked a reasonable question and then declared it “utter crap”. :)

I understand economies of scale, they will need that to go from $3k to $1k. I just don’t see it being lower than $1k within 3 years unless it is subsidized and tied to some other profit stream. (Content subscription maybe?)

It does not do VR, period. It does AR. AR is not new, (Google Glass et al) but it does it better and in a smaller package (including compute) that anything we have seen so far. We still have to wait and see what actually makes it to the consumer market.