
You can get it will a CoreI7, 16GB RAM, and 1TB disk.. that is pretty powerful.

“But should users be so upset that something that was once 100 percent free is only 99 percent free now?” That’s BS. YouTube has not been 100% free for a long time. Many of the channels I watch have some ‘rental only’ content.

So, you are saying that when I have Visual Studio, Windows 7 in a Hyper-V VM, 15 tabs in my browser, Outlook 2016, and multiple CMD windows all open at the same time, I am not doing real work?

Wow you are so edgy and hip!

So they will give you a patent for improvements to other patented ideas even if you don’t have a license to build or sell the result? I guess that makes sense on paper, to allow you to document your ideas. It seems to me that if you move on to production without an agreement, you are foolhardy at best.

According to an interview with Dean Kamen a big part of the cost is wrapped up in the fact that is it is over engineered device. As I noted in a previous comment, it has fully redundant systems and jumped through all the expensive hoops to get it declared a medical device.

They don’t want to ‘stop’ anything. Once they get part of the take, they will happily let people import them to the US.

Wow.. why so negative? The Segway recouped its R&D costs long ago and has stable niche market. If I was the inventor I would call it a success.

The DK2 is a does display and tracking input. You still need a high-horsepower PC to connect it to.

Why is surge-pricing BS? It is just near-real-time supply and demand pricing. Most of the cost of an item, above what it costs to produce it, is based on supply and demand, why should it be any different for Uber?

This! James Dean was a bad boy. Steve Jobs was a charismatic, salesman, asshole.

For electronic devices with no moving parts, if it lasts the first 30 days turned on, it will last its designed lifetime.

Really? The original Surface Pro was Wacom, but they wanted the SP3 to be thinner than Wacom could deal with. They purchased the technology behind the N-Trig and made some major improvements, and reduced parallax compared to the Wacom. It still detects fewer levels of pressure than the Wacom, but after tuning it is

Really? The Surface Pro 3 is becoming the primary choice for our mobile users here at MU. I Run everything from Visual Studio to Hyper-V on it and never plan to go back to a normal laptop. Now they have announced that Dell with be selling and supporting the Surface Pro line so will be able to get all our desktops and

??? Why would you get a netbook when this would fit behind the tv?

I did an upgrade to make sure I had an active Win10 license, then used a Win10 USB stick to delete all partitions and install to the blank drive. Got back 8GB compared to the Win8.1 install that came on it.

Did you compress the OS on Win10?

All modern OSs use journaled file systems that should handle power-loss easily. Unless you are saving to a fat32 usb drive, this has not been a problem in a long time.

Well, I was going to pick on your use of eponymous, but it looks like it need the education.