Eh, I have little patience for a game dev who launches a game in a sorry state. Test it, and delay if you need. Don’t launch a subpar product. This wasn’t a case of a tiny % of folks having issues due to some odd hardware.
Eh, I have little patience for a game dev who launches a game in a sorry state. Test it, and delay if you need. Don’t launch a subpar product. This wasn’t a case of a tiny % of folks having issues due to some odd hardware.
This is the first generation where all 3 starters have left me with a “Thanks I hate it!” feeling. Maybe the evolutions will impress me in some way, but this is likely the first time I’ll be benching my starter immediately even on my first playthrough.
Ehh, I’m fine with buying digital games but I’m also fine with a time eventually hitting where I won’t be able to play the games anymore. To me it’s worth the tradeoff.
It’s a dumb series built around shooting nameless enemies, hunting animals for their skins, taking down forts, and blowing shit up. Personally, I really don’t need it to be more than that.
This is crazy to me. Why even bother? I almost exclusively use my Switch docked, so I’d be getting... an ethernet cable and not much else.
This comment is an excellent example of saying a lot without saying anything at all
Maybe there is some confusion with the pictures posted with no caption, but the left picture is from the G.I. Bro comic that Booker T was involved with. Whereas the picture on the right is activisions character, who bares little resemblance to said image except for being a black dude with dreads.
Right, and the girl on the bottom right in the first pic is Scarlett Johansson.
There’s also a 4th group - people who know this is a scam and want to warn others to stay away.
Whatever you do, don’t complain about the bugs in-game. Everyone will immediately jump down your throat about it being an alpha test and that you shouldn’t complain because the game isn’t done yet.
Big caveat here is that a blog like this is going to look weirdly out of date in 5 years when we’re all playing games on streaming services and dont own a damn thing anymore 🙃
I mean as long a the game lets you pick your server, most servers describe what you are in for.
I find this highly offensive or I would if I could be offended, but I’ll be offended on others behalf.
Yeah rockstar’s given up on single player content 😡
Also, Ubisoft shares its HQ with other companies, so the people on the rooftop aren’t only Ubisoft employees (I have two friends working there who are keeping me updated)
Put a black nylon over the top.
A “misconfigured Elasticsearch cluster” sounds like a narrative contrivance that might prevent Doc Brown from sending the DeLorean back to 1985.
Alternative: advocate for good game developers and game development practices.
They should get good. Salty scrubs.
Been playing this game since early 2014. It’ll make your heart race, it’ll make you want to punch your monitor, you’ll die more than in any other game you’ve played combined... but it’s quietly got some of the best weapons mechanics, funniest moments... and easily the most satisfying headshot sound effect ever.