People’s unwillingness to pay decent prices for full-featured games on mobile is why there are so few full-featured games on mobile.
People’s unwillingness to pay decent prices for full-featured games on mobile is why there are so few full-featured games on mobile.
I kept seeing “iPhone only” in articles which made me think the iPad version was delayed for some weird arbitrary reason, but I see now that they were referring to iOS as opposed to Android.
Yay, I get to play it :D
Meanwhile I listened to you and bought the Witcher 3 and didn’t enjoy it. Guess it’s a good thing we aren’t friends.
It’s pretty obvious that the pc port is garbage (in it’s current state) and they don’t want to show that to the public so they made up an semi-plausible excuse.
This also shows how ridiculous the new Japanese Godzilla looks.
Holy shit, I’ve never seen so many people with opinions about how to cook eggs. All y’all people need Mr. Breakfast. The dude is so happy all the time and it’s a wonderful antithesis to all you egg grumps today. Try to convince me you didn’t find ONE recipe on his site that you want to try. I’ll wait.
Anyway - Do you…
Geek nuptials can be wonderful when they're done right. And what better way to celebrate a marriage than with a…
If I were the Doctor, I'd surrender too. Not even escaping to the Starbound universe could save the Doctor from the Daleks, who will hound him until either he or they are exterminated. (Redditor StarbounderBR is the one responsible for this fantastic build.)
What happens if I like both?
I think there's a lot of good points on both sides, but I think point that's being missed here is power means a lot more than just graphics. When you have a system with limited resources, you are limited in the kinds of experiences you can offer. If you want a game with a massive, detailed world, hundreds of player…
An intern being put to work doing nothing but QA testing? That's not an intern position, that's free labour and a bad manager.
Bought my 3ds just for this game.
Part of being a member of the Master Race involves learning the ins and outs of how games run on the PC, including learning how to troubleshoot problems.
I'd reckon that those are made to order... rather than stuffed away in a warehouse somewhere. So I reckon that it is actually a reasonably cheap publicity stunt.
Wait wait wait.. I missed this story somehow. Some 19 year old kid is IN JAIL for making a threat (joke threat) on FACEBOOK?? WHAT IN THE NAME OF FUCK is going on in this country? A school suspension - sure. A cop coming to your house to "have a talk" - sure. A fine - getting extreme. A night in jail - getting very…