
Do what exactly? Milk some retarded topic for more clicks and ad-revenue? Yeah, people like OP and sites like this will definitely achieve that goal.

The headline speaks louder then the article.

Well they have a point. I can't think of any co-ed professional sport leagues. The NBA, NFL, NHL, Soccer, and all that are divided with Male and Female teams. Where's the controversy about an all male NBA or anything else?

I've heard good things about FF X but have never played it. Wonder if they'll be releasing it on PS4? I've relegated my PS3 to a media machine in the back room.

The artbook packaging is gorgeous and I love it. Square Enix did the same thing for KH 1.5 and it's just so pretty.

There is no winning when someone is worried about cultural stereotypes, there is nothing resembling a true objective discussion. Everyone is too wrapped up in their own bias.

That doesn't eliminate the possibility of having been to the Caribbean... it just would mean that if he had been that he did so as a typical tourist.

It must be so horrible to see people misinterpret your tropical paradise.

well i have choices for you

You guys, I literally think I have a problem.


There is no mod kit for the game.

All the modders were able to do were turn on functions that were off for some time, I got the 'mod' running myself but the difference is still marginal.

According to the playstation U.S blog this version of Doki Doki isn't cross buy.

NVIDIA already went on record saying they were approached about next-gen consoles but turned it down because everything they wanted to build was in the range of a middle-low end PC, and they didn't think that was enough of an improvement. Sure, it could be a cop out PR statement because they didn't get it, but their

AMD bitches when they feel like they get behind the curve. (AMD offers great raw performance for the price but their optimization is fucking awful, even in "Made for AMD" games sometimes. And their "technologies" are laughably half-assed and always poorly implemented and followed up on) Nvidia largely gets even. AMD

I didn't pay $20 for a 4 minute game, Kojima.

But if that's how much that food costs in Denmark, wouldn't the price of this burger also be much more expensive?

At the end of the day, it's still just a game that we know next to nothing about that made a lot of promises without delivering much in the way of demonstration. I'm every bit as skeptical as ever.

So they are embracing they fact that the internet has turned this into a joke? I'm not sure what to think about that.


OR i can save those $25 and invest them in the upcoming heaping shit tons of DLC this game will have...