
Oh, you HAD to bring the gay thing up did you?

They had to do the price drop because jig was up. I'm not saying I didn't like GZ (thought what it had was excellent)...but it contains about $10 of value to me tops. Selling it for $40 was insulting.

My point is that this "game" consists of sneaking into a prison, freeing prisoners, then watching a cutscene about a girl with a bomb her vagina.

Hardcore extremist anything, not just feminists, should be completely ignored. They are trolls in their own way.

I don't even know why you need to bring her into this conversation, but she disables comments and ratings on her videos, so it's pretty much bullshit. Nice try though.

To be fair, they're not always without justification there but she is someone who really should just be completely ignored.

Sorry, did I offend your precious $40 scam?

Ah, The Phantom Pain's 30-minute demo. Also known as "Ground Zeroes."

I thought the demo to Phantom Pain was Ground Zeroes............. it sure felt like it.

Oh man, i hope that doesn't go through. The early access system as is, is NOT a good thing.

hah! Notice how the PR worded the response , she said "the GAME is not downgraded", she didn't say " graphics is not downgraded"

One thing, the security hole severeness has nothing to do with the time it takes to patch it. I personally think they spotted intrusion and banned the guy as fast as possible, without taking the time to check who he is and what he was doing before.

Because god forbid developers would be doing their job.

Sorry but I have to disagree. This is not an example of them being "for the people." This is an example of asking the people to be for them.

You could say the same thing about almost any consumer good (electronics, clothing, etc). The Chinese worker that made my iPad, or the Bangladeshi worker is making a lot less than the guys at Burger King, and they're making them in a larger volume.

They are not, and those articles you linked include them which skews the data. Ask any guy who plays any real game and he'll tell you finding a women is rare. I played WoW for 6 years and there would always be about 2 or 3 girls in the guilds I was in compared to 40+ men.

Facebook games are not video games.

"Xbox on" "xbox off"... $100 well spent in my book. love it.

Are you serious? Assassin's Creed is one of the few franchises that does not have that problem.

So... what is the issue here? That Ubisoft hates women? Or that they're being lazy with this latest title?