lol they rushed this fucking product like there was no tomorrow.
lol they rushed this fucking product like there was no tomorrow.
They could solve a decent chunk of the "Pirating problem" by bring back demos for more games. I've heard as an argument for it before that it would deter sells but if people don't think its worth it then they obviously aren't gonna pay anyway.
The difference is that in the examples you give, 100% of the original content is contained within the derivative work. An LP, by the very nature of being a linear recording of a nonlinear experience, cannot contain 100% of the original content. Further, in any actual LP (rather than simply gameplay recording), there…
I feel I should point out there's a difference between what "makes sense" in the context of the intersection of extant law and business, and what is sensible in relation to how revenue is generated for a business from the gen. pop. - especially given the economic and other problems the world is facing. (Though this is…
Oh, so that's "sharing" revenue now? Let me go down to the bank and share some of my money with them (by leaving some of what's currently in the vault), then share some of my money with people on the street (I'll only take half of what's in their wallets).
Legally, yes, but it's a douche thing to do which will only bring resentment from the fan community.
Pirates have been playing for days. Actual paying customers are barred from playing the game they paid good money for.
My faith was dubious at best... right up until the point that I wore a Rift headset, played some Skyrim, and my mind was so fooled into thinking that I was supposed to be in the game world, that when I walked up to one of those huge bonfires in the inn in the first town, my body actually fooled itself into thinking it…
No matter how many times you copy and paste this diatribe, it doesn't really matter. Game mechanics are not copyrightable, and if it is even defensible, Wizards of the Coasts trademark on "Tapping" runs out in literally a month or two. Convenient timing to try this stunt, huh? And as Zaxan said, trade dress cannot…
Hey, you're (almost) describing Hearthstone!
In a sane world, you could show nipples on the front page, while pictures like this would be labeled "NSFW."
The bigger problem is that there's no curating for the storefront anymore. With 40% of new releases being a back-catalog dump and the other 30% being Early Access content with questionable development plans, how am I supposed to trust anything on there anymore?
S'nothing to do with being weird, and everything to do with having a mind that isn't confined to operating within a narrowly-defined set of parameters.
My 100% heterosexual brother has always played as strong, feminine women. According to my bro, his favorite video game character is classic Lara Croft, and his least favorite video game character is reboot Lara Croft. He hates this "Ellen Page" kind of image that women are being portrayed as in modern video games.
I'd like to know if we'll still be limited to the same 1000x1000 world. I routinely travel farther than that on "real" Minecraft, which is why I stopped playing the XBL version after about 5 minutes.
they're suing because the games play really similarly right? I don't think it's going off of appearances, otherwise like every CCG would've been subject to the suit.
Yeah, looks good. :)
I found this to be by far the best episode in Season 2 so far. It was intense, it was exciting, it was violent, it had some lovely character developie type bits.