
This game is a fairly decent RPG. Definitely a low budget euro RPG but it really feels like a Dragon Age lite. I see a lot of people comparing it to TW2, when it's much, much more similar to Dragon Age. Even Edwen is a clear rip off of Morrigan but whatever. Bound By Flame actually attempts to be more of an RPG than

So, what's the consensus on this game? Good/bad? Goodly terrible?

Damn near, but didnt. Im pretty sure if she did then it wouldnt be allowed.

they wear hot shorts. Put that dress on and you see things what your mind want to see.

Who knew showing your legs is considered "skimpy" nowadays

Same here.

Are people still on the rape (it wasn't, she consented the whole way) thing ? Seriously the world seems to be getting more touchy and emotional by the day.

Eh, we're agreed in that most companies are unlikely to take the drastic step of removing consumer access to previously purchased software; the resultant consumer backlash wouldn't be worth the flogging they'd take in public (and financial) arenas. Microsoft's decision to reverse their previously draconian policies

Martyr? Consider looking that word up in the dictionary sometime.

Because most EULAs stipulate that you're paying for a license, rather than the product itself; while the same EULA structure can apply to a physical copy of a program, it's much harder to enforce (short of someone coming to your house and taking that physical copy, which isn't going to happen).


Shh. Debate is only acceptable when it agrees with a certain viewpoint; everything else is just stonewalling and resistance to healthy, useful change.

No proof yet and you won't have any until it happens. There was no proof of the entire northeastern US and half of Ontario being plunged into darkness until it happened.

I'm not neglecting anything; it might be cheaper, but you don't own it. You're literally renting a license under the model being tested; when you don't own something, it can be (and sometimes is) taken out from under you without a moment's notice.

And let's say I've been banned from PSN - then that's $2000+ worth of content. Gone. Just like that. (same goes for Xbox Live)

I did not say, nor did I presume to speak for all persons my age. I mentioned it because every time I caution against a totally-digital platform, I am told I'm out of touch and old.

I'll criticize all draconian DRM policies equally; it's just that in this console generation, the XBox One was set up to be the worst offender.

As the fighting begins, I'm feeling apprehensive. I know quite a bit about CCP as a company, EVE Online and its unusual fanbase, but I know literally nothing whatsoever about MMA, so I'm concerned that they're going to get absolutely destroyed. I don't want to watch EVE's concept artist or someone get carried out on a

I'm sorry I still can't get behind this game. I mean it only came out with one small level. If you count the other level they are adding that is two. Two levels for $10 is a joke and not the funny kind either. It's part of the problem with gaming today. Here I was thinking CoD map packs were a rip off...

Lol what. It's the "cheap" version. It's nowhere near as good. It's the acceptable/cheaper model.