
It's a cool idea but the technology isn't there yet. I really want something like this, hopefully they try again in a few years.

I disagree.

Iron man is so much fun in this game.

*..being released on PC as well.

It looks too much like Dead Island. For me thats a good thing, but I can see it turning a lot of people off. Either that, or they'll just think it's a sequel...

A console that is $40 dollars cheaper is hardly anything special. Let me ask you this. How much does a screen cost to replace when a child breaks it? I can assure you if kids are breaking hinges, they WILL break the outward facing screens.

Until kids start breaking the screen instead of the hinges. Then the system stops working altogether.

Lost a ton of hype for this when they didn't announce a PC version. Its weird to have a game release I've been looking forward to, then not be excited about it....

Love the look of the shiny black and silver original 3ds.

Green light is a joke now. It lets too many games through that are in such early stages of alpha. Most of the games I've kept an eye on look like they have no intention of improving.

A child that breaks a hinge is definitely going to do damage to an outward facing screen over time.

This is why its stupid IMO. A 5 year that breaks a hinge is definitely going to damage to an outward facing screen over time.

You're a weak minded fool....

Because the game you want gets hidden behind pay walls. I cant tell you a single game that was better off as F2P.

Goes both ways though. I've played with girls online who want that attention. Naming your avatar SluttySuzie or something similar is asking for these remarks.

if your kid is young enough to have to sell lemon aid to get money, you should be keeping a better eye on him. A struggle for the lock box with them rolling around on the ground, and no parent near enough to see/hear it?

The winner was a good shop job, but the least creative

Terrible, not funny Gifs.

I really dont understand the appeal of speedrunning a game.

PC for sure. I might rent it on console since we have no idea when its releasing for PC though. Open world games like this beg for better hardware. Even Rockstar stated the only limitations in the online mode are disk size and memory space, both of which are limited on consoles.