
Its a poor simulation. Great ideas, but that's about it. There's no proper feedback if you did something "wrong". It honestly feels like a random roll of dice if your game is successful or not. I spent about 6 hours with the game, it felt more random as time went on...

They went to Starbucks, and he got a cold red drink. Gay confirmed. lol

He made a weird face...... People like weird faces....

serious? Im sure in his mind he though " HA, just to be disrespectful, im going to fall asleep while this guy talks!"

Because only one person is making the game, right? Its not like they hire artist AND programmers... That would be silly...

I cant be the only one who doesnt care about two execs bickering......

The cake is a turd...... I ate it hours ago.

Just believe myself? How do I know if i'm lying if I haven't tried the game?

Since they refuse to make it anything like Saints Row 2, ill settle for some Crackdown infused gameplay.

My mom and dad dont use the internet, hate computers in general...

Did anyone ask for this? If they did, they were probably Dragon Age II fans...

Soo.... have you played older cod's on PC?? They re-use assets from the console version, low res textures,etc. This announcement is saying they are using new assets for the PC version.. Thats good news, but the COD hate stick is shoved too far up ur pooper.

There are drawings like this all over the place. Look it up.

An open world game like this is begging for better hardware to really shine...Said best by the people at Rockstar about the online version:

You're on the internet, its time you grow a pair of balls! These weren't death threats. If anything , he succeeded on what he set out to do: piss you off.

It re used a lot of side missions from the first 2 games, but used them as story content. Its brainless fun, but at the expense of EVERYTHING that made the series great...

Let me know when they make a real sequel to SR2.

Nope. Bought surround sound headphones, never looked back.

Be a better parent?

Prius totally makes it worthwhile.