
Neither person was behaving well, but the author, who has the additional benefit of telling the story through her perspective, looks like way more an asshole than the other guy. So I'm standing by my, "It's because the author was acting like an asshole, not because the other guy thought the author was too fat."

I'm actually pretty much obsessed with etiquette and politeness.

What kind of chair would that be? Like a chair made of pork that you had to eat yourself out of at the end of the flight? One that you literally had to have sex with before marriage to sit in?

Yeah, but the most obvious reason for the guy being upset is the author acting like they said they acted, not anything with size

Yeah, I felt the author came off as more of an asshole than the other person.

Look up Angler fish if you really want a weird reproductive story.

Your examples don't even anecdotally disagree with calories in-calories out though. The soda example is lowering calories in. The second example is raising calories out. The point of calories in-calories out is that you can change either side of the equation to effect change.

I thought the science was, "Calories in-Calories out = Change in Weight"? And this agrees with that.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that a bunch of the RSN deal money is going to go into paying for the purchase of ROOT Sports.

They actually have implemented a system where your spell effects are really fancy looking, but spell effects by other players are toned down by a bunch.

Try what again? Pointing out humorous coincidences?

Actually, if you play Russian Roulette with a 6 barrel revolver once a year, and use the pullout method for a year, the odds of you being shot or pregnant at the end of the year are only like 2-3 percentage points apart.

I feel like A-Rod has been called fake for years.

You must not have met my mom. "Someone stole my Gameboy." "Are you sure? You probably just lost it somewhere." Uhh, he pushed me down and took it. Yes I'm sure.

I hate the tiles. They look absolutely awful. It's like the stupid purple and grey that they used for VS2012. Just so much ugly everywhere.

They've made a couple of well selling video games on top of their UI stuff.

I think it might be a strike through character or something?

Fallout has been set in the West for 4 of the 5 games in it's series. To say it belongs in the East is incredibly silly.

I went to Catholic schools from elementary through college (I think the preschool I went to was Lutheran?). In the religion classes I had to take, we had to do a lot of old testament study. Like, really in-depth, examining who the writers and sources were sorts of things.

I'm surprised it did well because it looked like another boring Christmas movie. But I'm always surprised when every year a movie like it does well, so maybe I should stop being surprised.