
You can watch pretty much any football game in the country on free TV.


That is one incredibly hard to parse sentence.

Why would you not go with the New Adventures of Johnny Quest? It's a bit less creepy when he's a bit older.

I thought it was pretty obvious after the movie it was calibrated for Weyland Peters, since he was super old and dying, Vicker's dad, and secretly on the ship.

Because it was in private quarters specifically for Charlize Theron's dad.

I agree. Poor people should never be able to eat meat. If they want to eat meat sometime, they should stop suckling at the government teat and stop being so lazy and get real jobs.

From what I've heard, it's not control anymore, but they put enough tax on it that the state wouldn't be losing out on any revenue, which caused the price of liquor to pretty much shoot through the roof overnight. I pay a whole lot less in a state store in Portland than I would going to a Costco across the river.

Yep! Totally the same way. If I do, I expect something really fancy.

3.75 Bud Pints? 5.75 Micro Pints?

I wanted to make sure this was here. That Hotel... Gah!

I'm going to guess that the 22% support from Republicans is a rather large factor in pulling down the support from white people.

Yeah, this is what I immediately thought of. I think it would be more likely that instead of reducing pain threshold, it's that Gamers are more likely to keep trying to get just one more paperclip.

Citing "clear and convincing evidence" that Kline had committed 11 violations of attorney conduct during his term as Attorney General

It's probably a standard deviation or so above the mean.

Barry Bonds hit like he was in a video game from 2001 to 2004.

If the drugs just damage sperm motility, how effective would they be? It seems like with the huge number of sperm produced, if you just damaged motility, there would be some portion still motile enough to fertilize an egg?

I think women are more often the focus because women have a natural hormonal cycle that drugs can mimic that results in temporary infertility that men don't have. That makes research and development of temporary birth control with a woman focus a ton easier. While a male oriented approach, since there's no easy…

You enjoy posting this shit on your computer? Well guess what, the way was paved by the super rich who started poor and innovated.