The reason Citizen Kane of X is a thing is because it's a much more recent example of a work proving it's medium. Music, Literature, and Art have been validated for thousands of years. Movies have only really been a thing for rather recent history.
The reason Citizen Kane of X is a thing is because it's a much more recent example of a work proving it's medium. Music, Literature, and Art have been validated for thousands of years. Movies have only really been a thing for rather recent history.
Yep, Modern UI design is still incredibly ugly. =/
Yeah, you can order food from your seat, see replays, and get PitchF/X with your DS at Safeco field. It's awesome.
Ant Man is being made because Marvel went to Edgar Wright asking if he'd be interested in directing a Marvel movie, and he said he wanted to do Ant Man, since it's his favorite comic book. It didn't start out as Marvel saying, "Lets do Ant Man!"
He probably charges like 5 bucks a person to do the corn maze, and places like this are absolutely packed the weeks before Halloween.
Uhh, a wide variety of blogs and forums across the internet?
I remember back when the Vita was announced, people all over the place were calling it a DS killer, and how no one cared about 3D, so the 3DS was dead in the water and would never take off.
Yeah, the DS/DSL only supported really early Wi-Fi encryption standards, so whenever I wanted to go on, I had to change my router back to WEP whenever I wanted to use an online feature.
Would I pay 15 bucks a month for an MMO? Yeah sure. Would I pay 15 bucks a month for the Elder Scrolls Online? Nope.
I read it as instead of getting a Triforce chart from your personal oasis house, the chest would instead just have a Triforce shard in it. That would cut down on a lot of peoples aggravation I would think.
For the price of ~3 chicken breasts, I can get like 8 meals worth of microwavable Pizza Rolls from the closest grocery store. That before vegetables and rice are added to the mix.
The Draenei have Tentacles and are good guys in WoW.
I don't think that's what happens though. I think it's more likely that someone would spend the 20 hours playing Assassins Creed 3, and send the 3 hours he would have been waiting through the week playing Scurvy Scallywags.
The Wii runs on about 13-20 Watts on average. The average light bulb runs on 60.
Based on what people think of GameStop, I'm assuming that's all salary.
That's a pretty nice mobile site. When will they reveal the site for actual computers?
Yeah, I love Level 5. I loved the Dark Cloud games and Rogue Galaxy (Wasn't really a big fan of White Knight Chronicles though) and would love for them to make more games in that vein. But not Dragon Quest; it should stay Dragon Quest-y.
They should go make Dark Cloud 3 then. Dragon Quest in real time is an absolutely awful plan.
It was one of the cheaper Blu-Ray players on the market at that point.