
There are people who own multiple $10k+ watches. This isn’t so wild in comparison.

Nope, Revenge of the Sith is the best of the prequels and third-best in the entire series to date (below Empire Strikes Back and Last Jedi, which are kind of 1a and 1b in whichever order). Lucas really nailed how easy it was for the Jedi and the Galactic Republic to be undermined by putative security threats and the

You came into this with the wrong expectations.  You might as well be complaining that Battletoads doesn’t have interesting strategic gameplay.

I think it’s pretty obvious that the name was the issue. Poo is the name of a Nintendo character, yes, but “Pile of Poo” is clearly suggesting something else. If he has an offline copy of the level, would it really take more than a half hour to rebuild it?

Considering the huge traffic in hair clippings from, say, Elvis in the 70's, yes they would and it’s not a new trend for any gender.

Yes... because fucking purges are not a totally insane and over the top reaction to this...

Okay, let’s humor your premise here Hamilton.


Cowboy Bebop is better, more important, and stands alone as a piece of media better than Neon, which is an anime and only an anime.

Oh no I agree with you! I mean on one hand we have children in cages, women’s rights being erroded, tariffs being decided by a drunk monkey throwing darts, and racism out in about. And on the other hand we have people who aren’t doing any of those things and are fighting those things but they don’t want to suck your

...that expansion came from the moon!

The chemicals in question are linalool and limonene which are basically just extracts of citrus and lavender oil. But they have scary chemical names, so. 

Yeah, this is less about the failure of La Croix and more about the success of La Croix in elevating a minor product niche into a major market segment nipping at the heels of soda itself.

Obviously this article was written to instigate a fight but I’m going to fall for it anyway and stand firm in my belief that LaCroix is actually good. Some of us want something that is very lightly flavored because it’s more refreshing and I don’t like the sweeter stuff. Also, I think the decline is probably heavily du

A new console doesnt and essentially never has cost $700.

What a trivial little bullshit thing to get caught up on

Well, this didn’t take long.

Yes, she is literally the same as the guy who poisoned Flint, because of a *checks notes* person on her transition team.

This kind of recruitment DOES happen, though. Don’t try to tell me that 4chan and Reddit - especially the areas devoted to gaming and geek culture - aren’t safe spaces for right wing extremists. It’s a veritable feeding ground.

Here’s the thing about this article. I think it kind of comes off a bit as a knee-jerk reaction to another article claiming that “video games are the devil.”

I don’t think that’s what’s going on here.