J "oppo" Zeke

I don't mean to be rude. I appreciate the time and effort the gentleman put in.

Hatchback, not wagon.



Honda Fit Si?

Hell, I don't even like wagons and I'd really consider this if I needed more space. Being a DSG isn't even a big deal, it would certainly be a family car for 99% of buyers. The no manual comment in the article just feels like they have to say it to be edgy.

As I understand it, Cadillac design and engineering resources will stay in Detroit.

The understated retro look is great, but those three colors — white, silver, and black — are the most candy-assed, least adventurous set of colors I can imagine, as well as being completely counter to the whole "understated retro" theme of the car.

Apple AND Android fanboy here.

I'm am a fan of the B1b and saw nothing in your story that supports his argument.

He didn't hang shit, did you remotely read the damn story?

what the heck are you talking about? When have I ever knocked the B-1? I have no clue what you are responding to here?

I think their arrogance is what has helped the brand relate to its customer base, no?

Yes the Supercritical F-8 is pure sex, and with the coke bottling..... I so wish it went to the fleet.

Thanks. This is a tough issue. But this is your best work since the Rules of Wagonhood.

Jason... Words cannot express how proud of you I am.

Clearly a new Espada

if people of the 20's had smartphones, they would have been texting while operating their complicated model t's on twisty dirt road.