
I feel like I’m missing something here. The “Did we just become best friends?” thing was a jokey throwback to the movie Stepbrothers (followed by the “let’s do karate in the garage” bit). Brandonn wasn’t actually saying they were best friends, Karamo just didn’t get the reference.

oh the hupersonity!

I wonder how this parallels to Camille Cosby, who it seems it not outright enabling her husbands action, was complicit in keeping things under wraps and protecting his reputation from scrutiny.

Have you seen the film “The Tale”? It premiered at Sundance a year or so ago and then was on HBO. It tells the true story of sexual abuse suffered by the writer/director when she was about 13 at the hands of her male running coach and female riding coach, the latter having selected and heavily groomed her. The film is

Not every woman is an “ally.” Various pathologies can lead women to see abuse of other, less powerful women and girls as a demonstration of their own power, worth, or primacy-of-place in the eyes of a more dominant personality. 

We lack the appropriate tools to understand.”

Having followed this case and watched the documentary, one possible diagnosis that I’m surprised hasn’t come up, is one of Munchausen’s syndrome. She craves attention, and in order to satisfy it, she did harm to another person. It seems very similar to someone who makes themselves sick for attention, or sickens

She preyed on someone who was emotionally dependent on her, and she received a just punishment. If she is truly mentally ill, she will be free to seek treatment, change her name, and build a new life after her 15 months in jail. She is a white woman, so these things are possible. If you’d like to focus on people

Is this article actually implying this girl needs sympathy?? Honestly?

Here’s a personal anecdote that illustrates why I don’t like these “true crime” documentaries.

I must confess I did not expect this from the 83-year-old leader of a patriarchal religious sect.

Frankly I’m sick of people reducing pain to checks in the mail. Kill some black people through overpolicing? Check in the mail. Destroy the water supply because you want to be cheap? Check in the mail (maybe - fucking Flint). 400 years of bullshit that started with being treated like cattle and culminates in their

The dilemma is women need men as work place allies. But striving to earn the respect of these male allies only reinforces the patriarchy and continues to prop them up as the standard. I have seen that quest for male mentors lead to hyper competitiveness amongst women. This is a result of the artificial scarcity of

I’m assuming it’s because of the (blatantly false) welfare queen stereotype and America’s past history of forced sterilization - POC women are criticized much more than white women for having multiple children.

Now playing

I will pay my life savings to hire Jonathan Frakes to go up to Biel, Timberlake and Kennedy to give a live performance of this: (prays that Frakes isn’t anti-vaxxer) 

My girlfriend has a name for those dudes. SNAGs. Sensitive New Age Guys. They’re always more outraged about someone eating a steak than women being sexually assaulted.

I am totally baffled by women who aren’t totally fucking angry all day every day right now.

Apparently, it wasn’t just her own name she declined to say with 60 Minutes’s requisite lifelessnes, but she was also told she had “too much emotion” in her voice while reporting out stories. “So I was working on pulling myself down and flattening out my personality — which, for me, is actually not such a good thing,”

Single father here and I agree completely. People are all the time saying stuff like “I don’t know how you do it,” etc.

The same way the dozens of women in the organization who are single mothers do it, only with a penis and a bunch of unnecessary fawning.

U.K.reader here, but I find it particularly grating that in the same week as this story breaking, where parents are paying for their offspring to coast through University you have Kelly Catlin's suicide (contributed towards by many factors, I'm sure).