
This is why I don’t indulge in anything in the way of true crime movies, podcasts, books, etc. People’s trauma and loss? NOT my entertainment. People love to think they have evolved so much... but if hanging was still a thing and it was public? EVERYONE would be there.

Some shit happened to my family and I’m from a small town. The first Christmas after we just sat around, sad and depressed, and I kept thinking, “Damn, we’re the ones everybody is talking about around Christmas dinner.”

I’ve dealt with this first hand. I just completed a film about an unsolved missing person’s case, that I’d been working on for six years. This person disappeared while on a class trip, and so I sought to interview his classmates. Some spoke with me, others didn’t, and I wondered why. I wondered, “What do they have to

I’d say Buffalo Exchange is a bad actor in this sense. They typically take about 5% of what people bring in, and then you just have to take the rest somewhere else.

I want to believe that this kind of thing will stop happening but I’m a frayed knot.

Yeah, my first thought was “But that is not a nautical knot”. Which turns out to be a fun sentence to say out loud.

What nautical theme? The Middle Passage?

What? Why would she be pissed? I’d offer to film you guys and make you pancakes afterward if you wanted!

I can relate. I work at a tiny company where the boss is never here. The other employee and I became really close. We shared personal stories and professional tips. After 7 years, I really respect him and love him as a person. Recently, he left for another job and I was really hit hard especially now that I’m working

I feel terrible for all the people losing their jobs. But also somewhat vindicated.

“Mic’s two-floor office at One World Trade Center”

Spotted part of the problem! 

I think this article, and your comment, may be conflating introversion and shyness. I consider myself to be an extreme introvert in that I love solitary pursuits and require a lot of down time to myself when traveling, attending conferences, etc. with lots of other people. E.g. I hate sharing hotel rooms (unless I’m

I just looked up his net worth and it’s a surprising $75M! But I would’ve had to put a paper bag over his face and his personality, so I’m comfortable with my decision. I was never destined to be Mrs. Top.

This is like a really frustrating sex dream/nightmare.

Maybe he was angry because people wouldn’t stop, collaborate, and listen.

For some reason I’m cracking up about frequently running into an angry Vanilla Ice.

I went to NYC for a few days last month and was very disappointed to have seen no celebrities.

I once helped The Rock finished a crossword puzzle in an airport lounge long ago. That man takes his crossword puzzles very seriously!

As a Democrat and a native Vermonter, I’m incredibly wary of people trying to attach any sort of broader narrative about trans people in politics to this specific election. Scott is a moderate Republican by any barometer, who recently made waves by supporting gun control measures after a thwarted school shooting. I

I would use John Mayer’s number to sign up for petitions and stuff that I have no real interest in but feel guilted into.