
Who in the phone tree is supposed to call John Mayer and tell him he is done? I don’t think it was me. 

Insert I’ve seen some shops in my day meme here.

I also thought it was Gaga! The stars' plastic surgery as contouring is making them all look the same.

I thought someone whittled a corpse bride out of a log.

Exactly, I was already feeling bad and trying to get support from a close friend, and instead she made me feel even worse. Eventually I had to stop spending much time with her because I really needed to focus on getting better, and knew that I couldn’t do that around her.

One of my supposed best friends (sort of an ex-BF now, we just haven’t talked in a while because of this), when I was going through a really tough period a few years ago, would also respond with some line that basically amounted to “well at least you don’t have student loans” or “your family has more money than mine

I would say that this should be something you can look at as proof that money and fame are not cures for depression. You’re not doomed, you just have to find something (medicine, therapy, etc.) that will help you. Money and fame will not. Which I’m thankful for as I have neither.

Thanks for highlighting Hurray for the RiffRaff! They should be huge, and I don’t know why they haven’t broken through to a much bigger audience; Segarra is a helluva songwriter, with a great voice.

If “regular” women don’t want them, what makes you think that “sex workers” do?

Misogyny, abusive behavior, and male entitlement know no political affiliation, and they never will.

Problem is they aren’t “takedowns,” it’s just petty bullshit that does nothing to undo the damage of installing Trump in the first place. Comey is bad.

It’s an abdication of responsibility, both as an individual and as society. If victims should just get over their hurt by themselves, then no one else has to lift a finger to correct their own behaviour or be empathetic towards the unfortunate.

I think that some hetero white men, especially wealthy hetero white men, resent empowerment. Not just for the obvious threat to privilege, I think they resent the very feeling because they can never experience it. It’s so clear from all his statements that the person he identifies with is the sexual harrasser, not the

People still go to Tony Robbins seminars? I thought he turned into one giant fossilized tooth years ago.

My church (a UU congregation in DC) has a small group ministry for federal employees that is explicitly about figuring out what your line in the sand is, and how to keep one’s integrity as a career civil servant under this administration.

If for no other reason than “just as worse as” is incoherent and so they’re clearly in need of a steadying slap in the face. 

Asiago Sargento wants to know why she can’t get work in Hollywood.

To be fair, Hillary Clinton is denigrating the party. Anyone with a functioning intelligence can see what a mess she is for legitimate progressive party ideals. I hold her in the same relative regard as John Edwards.

I love her madly, but sister, stop making shit about you, Hils! She continues to display her tone-deaf reactions to any culture outside of herself and constantly gices into the immediate and lazy soundbite that will inevitably haunt her (and democratic candidates) later. Momma, sit the fuck down!

When one of your parents is an awful human being, it’s OK to say so out loud. See how that works Ivanka?