
He’s a venture capitalist and a bit of a strong persona but given how he’s probably the world leader for not killing the planet right now I say good for him.

I don’t think male-dominated fields, in general, are an exception. I’m in a very male-dominated field. I graduated number one in my college, the only female in my program. Didn’t get a job. Now ten years out men with no experience and completely unrelated degrees keep getting promoted above me. I’ve seen one almost

At my company they are only hiring black people and women to try and improve our diversity. They select potential candidates based off of black sounding names and names that seem like women. Even then a lot of white men show up to the interview because they have unusual names, and by far most applicants are white men.

This woman was seduced by her own fantasy vision of herself as some sort of teacher/mother/healer/lover, and it is creepy AF.

The general phenomenon, of which this is a specific illustration, is probably that anyone who has received prestige as an Ethics professor knows a million fancy ways to rationalize to themselves whatever they want to do anyway, under this or that alternative argument (and also a million fancy ways to condemn the

Intellectual equals?! What?

I am wearing a sweater from Target but her dog is wearing a sweater from Ralph Lauren.

Sorry if I’m being captain obvious, but the person was likely referencing Steinem’s statement that young women support Bernie to impress boys.

This is literally the most sensible comment in this entire thread. Being an icon in the past does not absolve someone of behaviours today. If she’s too old to stand up for what she used to believe in, then it’s time to retire.

You really think someone being on a diversity and inclusion task force—and then caping for the admin that’s the problem is the same thing as a Princess wearing a green dress and following Royal protocol? Way to blow off the actual women at Vice who need things to change.

Well, you know how it is. When older woman are thinking where they want to work, they think “Where are the boys?” And the boys are with Vice.

Maybe Gloria is just trying to be one of the boys?

Everybody forgets this guy used to be a Democrat until he realized he couldn’t go anywhere in Missouri politics under that banner. Also, he registered the “Greitensforpresident” web address before he was even elected to the governor seat. He’s funded by a lot of shady money from outside the state. He’s been shifty

You showed excellent judgement kicking her out of your life. That you fell off the waggon at a time as vulnerable as right after your father’s death, is completely understandable and forgiveable. Some people...!

Also, surely she knows who Kim’s manager and/or agent is and could have sent a private note that way.

Her brother originally went missing, so her family was posting on social media to find leads to his whereabouts.

Right?! Miranda would be in a more powerful network. Her spending time with them would kill her career. Samantha too, she was the key to their networks and they slut shamed her all the time. Real Samantha would never have been their friends. Carrie and Charlotte would have been friends and talked shit about people

Eh. Utter tosh. That’s a great tactic for groups of assholes to justify bullying other people and ostracizing them.

While SJP made an innocuous comment regarding Kim, I get why Kim is irritated. She doesn’t want her name associated with SATC anymore especially during her heartbreakingly loss. It’s like salt to a wound. This was needed. sometimes you need a big “leave me alone,” sign for someone to get the point.