
Ditch the myth that Klebolf and Harris were bullied. They were the BULLIES, the kids others avoided and were scared to be around. Columbine was their last act of intimidation and destruction, bigger than what they had done before, and impossible to punish. All this is laid out in the excellent book COLUMBINE by David

For my parents, I think it is watching all of their 4 children leave the church and become non-church goers. We also veered away from the church and became more successful financially than most of our peers that are still in the church. The complete sheltering didn’t help out peers out financially or emotionally and a

thankfully they’re less church-y and more open-minded but unfortunately that doesn’t help the fact that i didn’t feel comfortable going to them with questions and needs when i was younger.

My dad himself was a bully when he was a kid— he told me stories about how he and his little shitass friends would make this particular girl’s life hell, and then, when it was time for their 50th high school reunion, he’s scoffing about how she didn’t show up. Why couldn’t she just move on, right? It’s all water under

My father taught at a high school from 1978-2013. He tells anyone who will listen how much LESS fucked up teenagers are now than 30 years ago. He thinks the self esteem movement is the best thing to ever happen to American kids.

Yes, all of that. Parents have this idealized image of themselves swooping in and saving their children from injustice but in real life most just socialize their children to submit to a culture that permits sexism and sexual abuse, harassment, and assault.

oh i know my parents feel guilty. my dad tells me he doesn’t want to know everything i’ve experienced. i think it would break his heart. and there’s nothing he can do about it now.

I think our parents’ reaction is all out of guilt and defensiveness. They see the bigger picture now and how so many people are scarred from it that they don’t want to admit they were part of the problem. But they were!

As a 31 year old, to this day I have nightmares and dreams of confrontations with my dad. Shit I wish I would have said but never did because he never listened or would demean me and treat me like shit. I have strong feelings of anger and hatred toward him. His method of parenting was exactly what this lady is vagina just clenched in horror at the prospect.

James Franco has been hanging on the fringes of queer, BDSM and sex work scenes for years, being a creep the entire time. He’s so lacking in any kind of identity or self worth of his own that he becomes an identity tourist, taking on anything that he thinks will get him attention and make him seem interesting. He has

Narcissists will manipulate in any way that they can. If you’re gay, Franco will try to get you to think he’s into you. If you’re female, he’s going to try to manipulate, charm or intimidate you into giving him sex. The guy is a nasty piece of work, and I am happy to never see him onscreen again.

I don’t think he’s real enough to suck a dick. I took it as kissing and light touching.

He has been so abusive, in non-sexual but still important ways, to so many other men for so long that it’s almost sickening to me how people are only now shunning him. I have a long standing hatred of all the academic administrators who let him use university campuses as his playground, while abusing faculty and other

This all made me think of ...

“His ‘straight in life’ comments appeared in FourTwoNine, in a bimonthly queer men’s magazine.”

Winner winner chicken dinner

I believe this to be exactly right. My recent ex is a relatively well known artist in his niche world and this is EXACTLY his schtick. He’s THE MOST VANILLA straight guy in the bedroom, yet has this very fey/bi public persona. He lights up when he talks about getting hit on by men and his social media is full of

He reminds me of my shitbag ex who liked the idea of sleeping with men because it was taboo but wasn’t actually into men—and because his whole jam was using faux-progressivism to hide his abusive shit.

He could also just have a boring old personality disorder.