MBAFA! (Make Barre About Fucking Again)
MBAFA! (Make Barre About Fucking Again)
Check out Fitness Blender’s barre classes!
Pretty sure the Black folks in Baltimore (which is where she’ll be competing for votes) know plenty about imperialism and colonialism and racism and how shitty this country is. Also know that having some white girl from Nebraska show up asking for votes without ever being part of the community is closely related to…
You forgot the part about when one of her defenses, that she affirmatively made to the court, was that the DoD should have known better than to trust a trans person with sensitive information. Seriously.
This isn’t a contest for me: I’ll be voting for Ben Cardin as I have before. He’s a great Senator with a strong liberal track record.
Hope she lives a life that she can be proud of, but this is stupid. If anything else, the diplomatic cables she leaked were a clear case of Assange taking advantage of someone in a fragile state and getting her to dump everything she could possibly find.
Someone needs to take this poor, deluded idiot in hand and explain that this is a catastrophically terrible idea. She has already done her bit for King and Country with the WikiLeaks thing and needs to retire quietly to the sidelines. Surely she must realize that her public image is permanently compromised re:…
Maryland is one of the Blackest states in the country, with a Democratic party that is almost entirely Black. There is no way in hell Manning has the cultural and political understanding to run there without falling on her face. Also, there is a long history of comments about Obama from her and her supporters that…
I... got it. Thanks.
But what if this relationship was the only thing keeping FUN from releasing a new album?
We’re talking about a guy who had a full scale replica of his childhood* bedroom installed in a trailer that his band’s tour bus towed.
She’s like so many other actors and actresses because she doesn’t give a shit about those allegations and wants a shot at winning an Oscar. Selena Gomez just gave an interview where she said she auditioned 3 times(!) to be in Woody’s movie and after someone else passed, they hired her. I can’t understand why actors…
It’s like if Ted Bundy made dozens of movies about necrophilia, Woody is just not hiding his predilections at all. Let’s not pretend people don’t know what he is, they just don’t care.
Didn’t they get mad because she wanted to wear bright colors/more fashionable clothing
Yeah I don’t really watch these morning shows but I remember catching a bit of him and his co-hosts discussing how they watche the tennis “battle of the sexes” between King and McEnroe when they were kids and he talked about how he was rooting for McEnroe and all his co-hosts were like “what?” And he was like “yeah of…
I am as liberal as they come and she is like “liberal in a Christopher Guest movie” come to life.
The behavior so deeply ingrained in show business it’s considered normal.