I found that it was easier to watch it if I remembered that he’s going to end up sad at the end.
I found that it was easier to watch it if I remembered that he’s going to end up sad at the end.
One thing that made me guffaw/cringe was an Instagram post that said something like “I never appreciated Ja Rule until he rounded up a bunch of rich assholes and made them pay an exorbitant amount of money to live like the refugees they refuse to let in the country” or something
I remember once hanging out with my sister, her gf, and their friends, and they were looking at a picture in Vogue, and one of them was going on and on about how hot the girl looked, and I remember feeling kind of uncomfortable because she sounded just like a straight guy. ANd then I thought about it and the…
But I think the difference in how female artists view the female body is more different from how male artists view the female body than the difference between how straight women and gay men view the female body than how gay women and straight men do. As in, I think it’s more about gender identity than sexual…
I recognize that this post is about women photographing women, but this reminded me of that recent Buzzfeed article that featured a male photographer who has an Instagram page called “Redheads.” He claims to search for diversity among redheads by “traveling the world” but his stuff just screams “I’ve got a fetish for…
Watching this video makes me wish a giant seething vortex would open and suck every single person who paid for this festival into it, never to be seen again. The world would be a better place. How painful. What a crapload of self-entitled, pissant, miserable, horrible, disgusting little shitbags.
Wow. I thought I couldn’t have less empathy for the characters in this tale of rich people woe. Then, I watched this video.
I just took a whiff and the schadenfreude is still fresh.
He should go old-school Outlaw Country, like Willy Nelson, Cash, Jennings, etc. and call himself William Cyrus, then ditch the Hollywood hair stylist (seems to be the same one Dave Navaro uses) and go grizzled grey.
This is an important insight into his personality, and the sort of diseased mind that psychologists will one day name a condition after.
Al Franken may be a former comedy writer, but from what I have seen, he has proven to be an intelligent, thoughtful, honest politician. Were he to run for President, I would RUN to vote for him. And I don’t run anywhere :)
I noticed that too. Got some edibles in CO the last time we went skiing, had one brownie bit and had to go in early because I got all worried about crashing and/or getting lost.
When you consider the father was not a person of color, it really drives home how tone deaf Dunham is about race. Every time they showed the baby, I wondered why they cast a Black baby.
The finale proved that the influence of Judd Apatow was too strong. Despite its many, many flaws, I kinda hate that Girls was Apatowed*.
No, it’s not about how everything is going to be alright. That’s just for sissy shows that cave into audience demands for concise and pleasant closure. If this episode is unsatisfying, it’s because the future for these characters is uncertain. But the meaningfulness of Grover nursing is in the context of Hannah…
It was absolutely not satire or parody.
Idk, as someone whose progression through life stages has been pretty in sync with the characters, I thought this was a fitting ending. The tension between “settling” or “giving up” and actually putting in hard work and sticking to something in order to build a life for yourself that actually makes you happy was…
I think it was not so much that everything is going to be ok, but that Hannah actually landed in a place where she was not only going to stick with something, but that she also was going to focus on someone else in order to make that happen. I think the last look on her face represents the peace she found in giving…
As a mom who was just pumping and dealing with latch issues I love this so. My son is now latching and I can laugh but damn, I was there. I hope I wasn’t that much of a dick.
I’ve always felt like I’ve half hate watched this show. But I think that any liberal privileged and/or white woman that feels this way watching it is getting the real check we need on our bullshit. Whether or not that was Lena, Judd, and Jenni’s point (I mostly think not, they are not that clever) it’s a check we’ve…