
it’s a very similar demagogic argument to the one that Soviet authorities used to say about crime in the USSR.

This is so a thing! I wasn’t allowed to walk down the damn street by myself until I was almost ten years old, wasn’t allowed to cross the street when shopping with my mother until I was twelve...and then as a teenager, I found the world intimidating and overwhelming, and my parents were like, why don’t you go out with

Former Peace Corps volunteer here who lived in a village where the practice of FGM was very common. Now this was in West Africa and every cultural milieu is different, but what you are saying is exactly correct!

There’s something of an allegory in this—women really do police and compete with one another and engage in our own oppression. There’s a quote by Aaminah Khan that (whom) I love:

YES. It’s crazy to me that there’s no mention of charges against the parents who made this happen.

Actually lots of people, including those with long and successful careers do kill themselves out of the blue, without signs.

Sheila was a friend. We worked together before she became a judge, and I joined fellow colleagues in toasting her ascension to the Court of Appeals. I would occasionally see her on the A train and, although I called her Your Honor, she was always personable, friendly and modest. Laurence Tribe is making reckless

Meantime, you don’t know that there weren’t signs she struggle with depression. Long and successful careers don’t mean squat when it comes to suicide. Charles Murphy was a rich successful hedge fund guy and jumped out of the window of the Sofitel a couple of weeks ago.

A good friend committed suicide in high school. She was beautiful, popular, hilariously funny, involved in tons of activities, and one day she hung herself. It was completely shocking. I know that the stereotype is the 13 Reasons Why version where a kid is bullied and gradually destroyed, but sometimes it isn’t like

Wife and I were talking about this last night. My wife wondered aloud why she hadn’t put him on the “no-visit” list at her school, so he would not be allowed in past the front office. I answered that it was probably because having to notify your employer that your husband is potentially a danger to you and your

If only he had know he just had to give the guy a Pepsi and everything would be alright! 😑

That poor man’s civil rights were violated! He was treated like a piece of garbage! We need to bring in the civil rights leaders of our time to address how people are treated on planes!

So a man with a beard picks up a white couple and they think they’re going to die.

I think Didion is a fantastic, gifted writer. One of the best I’ve ever read. I love her memoirs, but I get distracted by the details of her very privileged life, like when her husband suddenly died she couldn’t even bring herself to send the laundry out and she missed the 3 or 4 times a week she and her husband ate

Loved this and will have to come back to it — also, I’ve been on the fence about South and West, but will order it.

Now playing

This is very cute and charming, but daaaaamn I hope she paid Anna Biller royalties, because that hair, that makeup and that voice are basically straight-up Elaine from The Love Witch. I mean:

Lana del Taco is just so weird to me. Her schtick it just...there, and odd, and anachronistic.

Like whats-her-name, the one who ran that blood company and apparently really thought all she had to do was mimic Steve Jobs.

It’s funny that the guys here are obsessed with telling other men to obsessively work out to become more attractive, whereas if you read more woman-dominated sites (like Jez), you seldom see women wishing men were more cut unless it is populated only with 19-year-olds. The fashion bit is spot-on, though.

People are shitty. This person fucked up a lot of other women’s chances of getting justice for violence inflicted on them and we will never know why. The reporter was right to believe her but was wrong for not fact checking. I still don’t believe it’s wrong to believe people when they say it happened to them. I’m a