
I wish I could star this a thousand times. One of the most important things my mother has ever said to me: “Honey, you’re at war with yourself. You need to call a truce.”

I have never read a better description of anxiety. I’ve had it since I was seven (had a traumatic childhood), and happiness never feels easy, it’s always something I have to chase. I don’t wish it on anyone. :/

went to high school with Scott in cleveland . He was such a character, always cracking jokes and very popular with all kinds of people at school. sorry to hear that he isn’t feeling well. he’s a good dude. hope he gets better.

I already see an acknowledgement in of a change in the way he’s going to see things in that letter. He says he wants peace. If I could give anyone with depression - or anyone for that matter - any advice it’s that you need to find peace before you can even begin to pursue happiness.

Going to Syria with your kids falls into questionable and perhaps negligent. Kids don’t need to save the world just yet they need to grow up and get to do kid things. My growing up wasn’t first aid in the gulf war or habitat for humanity in Bosnia. I can’t blame this being questioned. If he had issues with

Um, not like Syria is going through a war or anything...

It will be interesting to watch the Brangelina coverage here drop off as Angie is revealed to be the asshole this time.

This is my take of Brad’s perspective as well. I am all for children learning about the world but I am skeptical of taking them to places to active war zones. People are trying to flee Syria, if Angelina wants to work with the UN, IMO she should do so alone.

I will forever admire Angelina for her amazing humanitarian efforts, but no fucking way would anyone take my children to Syria. Not in its current state, anyway. Nope. Not happening.

Not wanting your kids in a war zone is a legit complaint.

If this is true, I’m not sure how well Angelina will do in court with the “my husband shouted and got angry over me wanting to take our 6 children to a country that is literally in the middle of a war right now, which shows the kids are not safe with him” argument

You can “enhance” a child’s worldview without putting them in the middle of an active war zone.

Or he might just have had a very reasonable concern about sending his children to an extremely dangerous country.

I’m all for expanding a kid’s worldview, but Syria is a literal active war zone. If i were in Pitt’s situation, I’d voice some very definite concerns about putting my children in harm’s way as well. We’re not talking about falling off a bike, nobody disputes that people are getting killed regularly and with great

Kids need some stability though. School and a daily routine are important.

I’d have a hard time taking my kids to an actively war ravaged place like Syria. I see his point. As an adult she can go where she wants - her person, her decision, but he does have equal say in where the kids go, no?

Not surprised. Once I advanced enough that I was involved in hiring decisions, I learned that the dumbest hiring managers avoid hiring smart people for fear that they’ll be outshone. They come up with BS justifications like “She’s just using us to get a better job,” or “She has TOO much experience, she’ll be bored and

I would be interested in seeing how the feeling of this breaks down via discipline as well, as well as how it breaks down generationally. i’m in a humanities / social science mix that was traditionally predominiately male (i mean that’s kind of all academia but my field seems to be less progressive than others in

I’m 31 now, and I remember having a conversation with a college friend when we were both 25. She was like, “do you remember being a kid and thinking that 25 was SO OLD, and that you would DEFINITELY have all your shit together by then? Like, 100% solid career track, white picket fence house, dog, husband, etc.”

It’s because they think the dick was so good they have to keep your soul from transcending to another plane of existence; the “hey” is to snap you out of your uncontainable bliss before you are lost forever.