
I don’t know what it is about this new space race that has captivated me so much, but I wept during the launch yesterday. I didn’t become fascinated with space until after college, so I missed that boat for getting involved professionally. But I’m so glad there are people like Elon Musk willing to make the investments

I just want to point out that this is a car. In space. With the fucking Earth reflecting off of its paint.

Shit... my sunglasses were still in the glove box.

While the rocket is still in earth orbit for another couple of hours, you can track it here, listed as Falcon Heavy/Tesla under the Just Launched menu:

Musk has a higher level of technical knowledge than most of the world’s professional rocket scientists.

In space no-one can hear Elon Musk haters scream.

He didn’t load his Tesla on the Falcon Heavy rocket...


Since the FH uses, essentially, diesel fuel as the propellant...this is also the first diesel powered Tesla.

Welp, so long and thanks for all the fish...


Warning : odometer discrepancy. Beyond mechanical limits.

I’m seeing a big nod to Heavy Metal too...

I believe it. With “Don’t Panic” on the screen, one must assume that Elon wouldn’t overlook something so fundamental as packing a towel.

It’s in the glove compartment. No, really.

Does he know where his towel is?

i teared up when i saw those boosters land again...what a great moment for space travel