
But did he see his shadow?

After the abuse I gave it, you’re damn right it’s rusty!

Derp? Where did I say anything about a 3ft swingarm? 

Definitely sport-tourer. Way more tourer than sport though since they really don’t like to turn. They’ll do it, the just don’t like it.

Drivers wear Nomex balaclavas and many helmets have breath guards to help keep the shield from fogging. So, aside from the 100 yards you drive with your eyes closed... sneeze and carry on.

Keep beating that dead horse, son.

I sense much butthurt in your comment.

Who isn’t a Bowie fan?

I’m sure that wasn’t accidental either.

I have a 990 Tuono and a Bandit 1200 and I think I’ll be riding that PC as much, if not more than them. Comfy, smooth, easy to ride and OMG that trunk! And the cool thing about this bike is it’s an ugly, beat up POS that you wouldn’t even notice fresh scratches or new cracks in the body work.

I recently received a Honda PC800 for free. The poor thing was one big oil and coolant leak. After fixing the leaks, rebuilding the carbs, replacing the fork seals and steering head bearings, replacing the brakes, rebuilding the clutch slave cylinder, ALL the control cables and fitting new tires, I finally rode my

So it don’t whistle at speed?

Forehead. Only the forehead.

unlike people, air lacks mouths or anuses or armpits into which you can shove a thermometer

the data reviewed so far indicates that no design, operational or other changes are needed

There’s gotta be a Mythbusters episode in this somewhere.


Opening a cockpit window at 300 knots is generally considered a bad idea.

Sounds like a nice trip tho.