Seriously! It, like, forces you to read your comment a few times before you post and shit! (ikr)
Seriously! It, like, forces you to read your comment a few times before you post and shit! (ikr)
At a glance, that rear shot gives me a serious Renault R5 vibe.
Yup. Mine has 68K on it but I’ve seen others with 80-90k on the clocks.
Nope. Wind is always moving these dunes. As long as people pick up their trash (the vast majority do,) a couple days of wind will completely erase all those tracks.
Shouldn’t this be filed under “Meh car Monday?” Because, meh!
My ‘86 2.5l XJ rebuilt after I cracked the head at 225,000 miles.
If I tried to explain this, you wouldn’t understand.
Fuck off! It’s MY piece of shit and I love it! ;p
Ha ha! It has a soul patch too!
Son, you disappoint me.
If you’re racing in the desert and come upon a bunch of photographers standing in the middle of nowhere, it would probably be a good idea to slow down.
They then mandated the fuel hose length so he came back with a 5 inch fuel hose of the correct length.
Someone should start a GoFundMe to make this happen anyway.
Seriously! Kinda like the time he told everyone he was going to land a rocket on a barge tail first! Oh, wait...
Slide a finger down both rows, zip, zip, and 90% of the time they go silent. If they don’t, well, my bike only holds 4.5 gallons so I can usually be done before the commercials can play a second time.
I’ll be in my bunk...
Jalop Gold or PMY? Hard to tell on my crappy monitor.