Jonathan R.

Even without items, that feeling when you catch Link's bomb mid-throw... Mmmm.

Seriously, though? Looks too good to be true? To me it looks pixelated, flat and awkward, based on this gif. Look at the left of the image. Clearly a flat plane with a photo attached. This is only going to look realistic until you turn your camera the wrong way or walk too close to something.

That would be awesome if designed well. And Myamoto is probably one of the few people who could pull it off well as each level would need to be designed to allow for flight for one player and cooperation of multiple players to achieve the same goals.

best mario game ever

Why would you stick a game up your ally? That sounds painful.

Yeah, meant Double Fine...


I see, the reply hierarchy around here is kind of confusing.

It's a cool looking video game that I want to play. That's about it. If it turns out terrible, than so be it. I'll move on to something else.

I totally get where you're coming from. While the fanboys are content with getting anything from SE at this point what you want is a deeper understanding of how the game works. Right now all we got is that XV is going to play like a Kingdom Hearts game with a boy band on their road trip. What you wanna know though is

Saw it today at TGS on the big screen, and it really looks amazing. I think you really need to see it in person to see how great it's turning out. I'm definitely buying!

True, and I was off base to equate your reply to mine on that level and basis.

Like I originally said, I just threw it together in a couple minutes, took a stab at it and wasn't willing to put in that extra bit of effort to get it juuuuust right. Though the line weights, with the exception of St. David's cross, are all based on the current Union flag.

Before all of the insanity of the comment section saying how shitty this game was, I would like to say that I enjoyed this. It wasn't amazing in any aspect, but I had fun and that's what is important in a video game.

But it's limited supply!

I'm on board with that.

Because a) game creators are lazy, there's already a perfectly viable moveset for a character, why change it? b) there's no pleasing everyone anyway, if they eliminated "classic clone" Ganondorf to give a new sword and magic based moveset, the fan of the old style character would complain and c) Sakurai delights in

Because Sakurai is an incompetent director.

I love him actually, I think he's the best of the new characters. So adorable.

In seasons, you start fresh like you just bought the game. Gold, stash, paragon levels are not transferrable to your seasonal characters.