Jonathan R.

Will Kotaku at any point be publishing a public apology for the various pieces that have been written which have equated any and all people on the proGG side of the argument as people who condone harassment, misogynists, etc?

"signal" is not how debates work in the real world. Using keywords as if they're petitions or represent something is crazy.

Hah hah, no it wouldn't. That's a shill statement that's already been put to the test. Believe me, people have already made those other labels for the discussion and they aren't getting any signal. It's not like anyone can just get rid of the hashtag anyway since it's a fucking hashtag. Independent trolls are going to

None of what you said actually is anything other than rhetoric. This hashtag bullshit? "It's" three adjectives? That's not exactly the hallmark of insight. You want them to 'build something to affect real change'... what? They have already gotten Gawker to royally fuck themselves with their own lack of professional

And how exactly is getting rid of the topic of conversation going to bring that issue (whatever it is) forward?

Everyone calling for the hashtag to change is just trying to bury the controversy.

Do people really not understand how the Internet works? Gamergate is a hashtag or more broadly an event. It isn't a sentient lifeform. Trying to understand what 'it' wants is to misguided.

Honestly, I think that lack of layers only means that Bayonetta is devoid of artifice. It's pure game. Well, aside maybe from a handful of quicktime events which I'm torn on. Bayonetta respects you enough not to make you play QTE DDR though.

Ooooh, plus add a tool for leveling the sand.

As long as they announce it before they release the DLC, I don't have a problem with this.

Chances are they'll offer a cash option to get him as well for people who don't have both versions.

What, you mean free? Chances are they'll offer a cash option to get him as well for people who don't have both versions, so keep it chill.

Don't give in to despair. The best thing about Dark Souls is that it really doesn't take that much for you to go from getting your ass kicked to roflstomping the area you are in. Don't feel bad if you need to do a little play by wiki either, because the game was actually made with a little player collusion in mind.

Yeah, I'm not sure if any Gamecube games supported widescreen.

Nuuuuuuuuuuuu! Unlike! Unlike!

To an extent, I agree that's how I perceive it, but I also believe that once they set out with that goal they start to drink their own kool-aid and lose perspective.

Me either. I almost made it through Resi 4 (which only kinda counts as horror anyway), but nope'd out of it once the Regenerators showed up and I never came back to finish it.

You might want to check again. Maybe try actually opening the Unity application that they embedded or else you know... just watch the parallax effect in action on the lower branch extensions against the bark of the trees.

+50% tracks and +20% racers and vehicles doesn't really add up to 'almost double the content'. It's not even 50% more content (a boast that in order to reach I think they would have to add 50% more tracks, racers, vehicles, items, etc. or have some mix in there with something over 50% to balance out the things that

Did you watch the video? It doesn't appear they did that with Yoshi Circuit. I didn't see even a single instance of anti-grav shown off during the video and honestly I find that a little disturbing. It has a little more sloping and rolling to it than the original did, but I wouldn't say that the shape isn't the same