Jonathan R.

That's a slightly unreasonable standard I think and it's certainly not one that is generally met. I'd be more keen to agree with you on a numbered review, but on a yes/no review like this they don't need to achieve complete mastery and they don't need to fully involve themselves in the game to have the ability to say

Every time I see a game that tries to play up the cinematic angle, deliberately doing things like having lower frame rates and not using the full display, I am flustered. Admittedly this has only happened a couple times so far (just this and The Order as far as I can immediately remember). It's like the devs took the

The key to Dark Souls is patience. If you try to force your way through it like a Mario game you are going to get beaten down repeatedly. Now, that doesn't mean that if you are patient that you would get beaten down repeatedly, but you'll be able to learn more from your defeats. You go into each new area (I mean that

I'm not interested in the gamer label. The only reason I got into this discussion at all is because of the attacks on nerds. Not all gamers are nerds and not all nerds are gamers, but a lot of the attacks that have been levied by the antiGG side have been at gamers who are also nerds and the negatives that catch my

Calling it 'persecution-envy' is offensive to me. Tell me, have you ever been physically abused and humiliated as a child by one of your peers? Do you think people envy that status? That they want it? Or are you saying that we're bastards for wanting some of that same sympathy and understanding? Because that doesn't

In addition, I want to add that 'ill-advised' is a euphemism for what Sam Biddle did that I find rather distasteful. It kind of suggests that he was advised to act like an asshole, and that's something that comes from within.

I disagree with you. Nerds are absolutely persecuted on many fronts and you'd realize that if you were ever on the receiving end of it. You just seem to buy into the idea that they are acceptable targets, possibly because they eventually outgrow the bullying phase, but those sentiments stay with them for life.

Ouch, another crack in the wall that's on Sam Biddle's hands.

You are missing context. He was responding to the discussion about Mercedes profiting from Nazi concentration camps. Saying the gamergaters are aligned with a nazi-affiliated company for getting the Mercedes funding pulled from them is probably less damning than the idea that Gawker was getting the supposedly

Well, you are technically correct (which is normally the best kind of correct... but in this case ehhhhhh) they don't advertise on Gawker sites. Anymore.

I get the feeling those probably tasted exactly like our cappuccino chips...

Wasabi Ginger won? Awesome. That was my favorite of the flavors... although I never did find the bacon mac'n'cheese one in my area.

You need to be more civil. Shit flinging like that isn't going to win anyone over.

No one has ever said that games should appeal only to men. Most of the pro-gamergaters that I know enjoy games with strong female protagonists as much as anybody. They are just sick of being culture slammed and having games bashed on the basis that they aren't inclusive or that they pander to the appeal of sex and

The writers get payed based on traffic, which is directly related to advertising revenue.

It takes seconds to send a boilerplate email that someone else wrote.

Targeting advertisers (at least successfully) has exclusively been done under two circumstances...

One of my least favorite aspects of the Gamergate controversy is how black and white it is; how, while demanding its rigid ethical codes, pressing for a single style of journalism or attempting to financially cripple, say, a gaming industry trade publication because of one essay that pissed some gamers off, it resists

Lol reductio ad hitlerum

It wasn't Kotaku directly. It was Sam Biddle who started declaring he wanted to see violence towards the nerds. The otaku if you will. I like you Steve, and I like Kotaku, but I can't approve of people who hate nerds.