Jonathan R.

Ssomeone built a universal ac adapter like that in the 80's, but I haven't seen one of those (with the dummy batteries) in years.

as a musician myself, i'd kill to get exposure, paid or not. The problem is, everyone who makes music thinks they're some sort of god when in many...most cases they're just utter shit with imagined talent.

People always want something to be outraged about. Do I think people should work for free? No, but this definitely isn't a case of "hey we want you to work for us and not pay you". It's a contest to contribute to the game.

It's a pretty simple solution, when you think about it. If you don't support the fact that they're not going to pay you if you make the music for the game, and you don't think it's worth the time and effort to not get paid, then just don't make the music. Simple as that.

The only person or company that paid me to write this was Gawker Media. I'm sorry if you don't like seeing posts about The Sims 4, I just thought that images of gigantic toilets in one of the biggest games to launch in recent months was too good to pass up.

I'm so butthurt North America is not getting the First Print Edition.

why would you need fake batteries? Wire up your DC+ to the + terminals in the toy, DC- to - terminals, and voilà! Permanent power!

Yeah, I think the key is a ton of changes that are perhaps variable/randomized in the code, so one pirate isn't quite sure what is going on, but only 100 other people have the same problem so there aren't any fixes for it.

We'll have a review next week I promise!

Or more like: "Professor, my dad told me be played something called Space Invaders, and my mother loves Bubble Bobble, and my grandad has stories about pinball and great mechanical gaming machines. Are you sure gaming only started in 1994?"

You have to go even more old school.

1) I'm in complete agreement that the art is abyssmal. It does look like the artist looked at other material and just copied it using art pencils.

Scud launcher Poised to strike...

it's not $24 for both, it IS $12. $8 by themselves.

Great, now I'm going to be thinking, "Amazon Twitch", which sounds like a jungle infection.

Do it how was originally meant to be done of gtfo.

People don't agree with some of my taste in movies, music, and video games. I know that. But I also like to think that I make a case for why people should be curious and open to different kinds of work. I do this because I find it interesting. It's helpful. It's fun. It's a lot more fun than just panning things all

$50 per leg feels way too steep, unless they were also a powerstrip, had the ability to extend or adjust for height and were made of carbon fiber.

You should care. "Zero Liability" is like insurance. We're all paying a premium on the fraud. Banks or merchants eat the loss, but it all means higher transaction processing costs, which translates to higher prices. No free lunch.