Jonathan R.

Honestly I don't remember anything from FF7 that dropped that was particularly worth farming an enemy for. There were a number of things worth stealing for an early game leg up, and morphing certain enemies was a good way of stat grinding, but as far as actual drops go it was always pretty meh.

What's a guardian? I don't remember that being a class in the game.

Well, except for FFXIII having designated party leaders (acceptable, but starts getting stupid when you get KO'd in battle and it's game over because your party members are too disinterested to cast Life or use a Pheonix Down). At least they fixed that in FFXIII-2... only drop down to a single person party in FFXIII-3.

You can't switch characters, sadly. Noctis or bust.

I'm kind of surprised to see it back myself, primarily because it was sort of an attack vector for the Wii. Of course, the Wii allowed you to read from unencrypted external sources and the Wii U seems fairly locked down in that regard. So far.

This isn't unconditionally true.

My circle pad is holding up alright for now, but then I really attempt to play the game in a much softer way than I did the other SSB games and it's had a negative effect on my game.

It was bound to happen eventually. Someone mapped out Desert Golfing, removing all the holes and stitching it into one long video. They did 10,000 holes, which is more than I needed to know existed.

People who identify with Gamergate do speak out against the psychos and denounce their actions though. What do you want them to do exactly?

I don't even know how to respond to something that daffy.

Nope, never said that. The thing is, what you are saying is based on false assumptions and I'm pretty sure Baldwin didn't harass and dox Zoe Quinn. Plus the people out there making death threats are just fringe people who use the name.

Not sure what relevance that statement has to what we were discussing.

GamerGate is a hashtag and in fact, can neither condemn nor condone anything. It can't hold a position either. It's all just people acting under an unspeaking, unthinking banner.

Starting fresh with a leader isn't possible because it'll just end up getting looped in with gamergate by detractors.

That'd be an interesting counterpoint if it was something that has ever happened. It'd also be one that is easily addressed by saying 'ok, but no one cares about that record and they all use the no warps rule instead'. Plus if it were a sufficiently simple thing to do, then the people who actually played the game and

If that's your way of dismissing a valid point about how people working together achieve more than they would when working alone, feel free to retreat to that sort of lame argument.

Perhaps some day Amazon will offer instant shipping from their geosynchronous orbital space warehouses via rail-gun launched drop pod.

Too sexy? Here I thought it was just horribly drawn and people were picking on the guy for being a terrible artist :/

You can take any cause and find extremists for it. It's sort of like how not every person who is against animal abuse is out bombing animal testing labs. Of course, there is no shortage of pundits out there who use those people to condemn the animal rights movement in its entirety.

You know that people have a louder voice when they work together. What you are saying is basically like saying that if black people don't like being seated on the back of the bus, they should stop riding. You know, as individuals. It worked a lot better when they organized their boycotts.