Jonathan R.

I don't count monitors into costs for PCs either. I usually keep on using my monitors through multiple PCs and only changing them when I want to upgrade something specifically about the monitor setup like getting display ports or higher resolution monitors.

Highest: $5,460. When you're buying a huge stack of games (19, to be exact), four extra controllers and a fancy new HDTV, the numbers will certainly add up against you.

I have some compelling evidence that suggests that isn't the case!

If that ends up being the case, I'd say it will be the biggest dick move Rockstar has ever done.

That's a feature man. It's well labeled for when you want to escape from the game as quickly as possible.

Even if they did manage to put console quality sticks on a handheld somehow, my closet is just littered with Gamecube controllers that I no longer consider play-worthy because Smash destroyed them. It's acceptable to me that a 35 dollar controller breaks down after a hundred and fifty or so some odd hours of beating

I thought it was mean to be pronounced like 'jiffy' to be honest... like a terrible pun.

As long as you call it the letter Qv, I guess that's ok. Oh, and it makes an 'mpeg' sound instead of a Q sound, but when just calling it by lettter saying 'quevey' is fine.

That's the funny thing about acronyms... they don't really have pronunciation rules at all.

Nah man, it's pronounced pinj.

Nah, the rationale for the hard 'g' sound was just always superior before the format creator mucked it up by deciding arbitrarily that it should be a soft 'g'. If the new format has a new creator, that's a non-issue.

To the opening question, I respond... maybe. If their justification for releasing those versions in the first place is that those consoles have a larger install-base to draw from than the newer consoles, I question why they wouldn't support those releases on the same basis.

Giraffics Interchange Format

I'll go along with this under the condition that the newer, better gifs have to be pronounced with a hard G sound.

Probably because this is the first console generation following another in which there is an expectation of support for a game after it has already been released.

Yes, SSBB allowed you to use the D-pad and it did exactly the thing I'm describing above with double tapping for smash attacks and the like. It sucked and basically no one used it.

Gross. I tried playing SSBB on my Wii U with a classic controller and it was constantly dropping inputs, probably because my Wii U is in fairly close proximity to my router. Oddly that never seems to happen with the pro controllers... In any event, one of the best things about the Gamecube controller adapter is that

I speculate that this might have something to do with why they needed to make a new 3DS.

The problem is that the game relies heavily on analog input concepts. You can emulate them by requiring double-taps in certain directions (you lose certain subtleties this way like slight directional changes to the smash attacks and tilts), but you can't capture the full effect and you screw up the timing.