Jonathan R.

You'd need a lot more GPU than that to make the case for 8k.

It's a damn shame that Pac-man game that they used to tech-demo the GBA connectivity never materialized.

Nah, SSB is all about improv. Almost every combo in SSB is an improvised one because you can't just memorize BnBs and work your way up to longer more elaborate combo strings like you can in convential fighting games. Most things only work in a handful of situations and change significantly with who you are fighting

It's not like they were that subtle about it...

It stopped being funny and I stopped being able to enjoy it. Sorry.

It was rape in the same sense as a 20 year old man pressuring a 15 year old girl into having sex with him while she is in a fucked up emotional state is rape.

Button mashing is a concept characterized by rapid input in random directions couple with random button presses. That doesn't work at all in SSB, largely because the arenas in SSB are freakin' huge and all of the attacks are executed in simple ways that don't require any kind of discovery.

I imagine Little Mac is probably one of those characters who is easily disposed of by shield grabbing near a ledge and then just edge guarding until he dies, but I haven't fought any online yet, so I might just not be aware of the OPness.

An early season 6 episode titled "Breezy"

It's been explicitly stated that there is not crossplay actually. You can share your custom fighters (which again, is just custom special moves and equipment that modifies stats... doesn't necessarily mean mechanics) with the Wii U version and use the 3DS as a controller. So far that's all that has been revealed.

I just don't have the enthusiasm for this show that I used to. It started out as a light-hearted fantasy romp with a mild post-apocalyptic dark side. Now it's turned into constant dramatic awkwardness coupled with overt sexual tension. The final nail in the coffin was when the main character kinda sorta probably got

Funny, I didn't think Conker was Japanese.

What benefit could there even be to having 16GB of vram?

* caveat: other than that you can import custom movesets, which only includes special moves *

Intel is on 22nm and has 14nm due out later this year. 10nm follow that and 5nm is expected by 2020 going by their road map.

Isn't luminous just a graphical engine and not actually a game engine anyway?

That doesn't follow. Just because you can use the 3DS as a controller doesn't really mean anything about content.

There hasn't actually been any kind of confirmation of that being true. In fact, they absolutely have mostly different stages and single player modes. What we do know is shared is that the games have the same set of characters with the same set of special moves. That doesn't necessarily mean they'll work identically.

I personally don't really agree with low framerates as a stylistic choice either. It's one thing to say that you would prefer to have a steady framerate that is lower so that you can focus on having higher fidelity visuals or more objects in a scene or something, but to say it's a specific value (24fps of all things)

I already addressed that, and it's my opinion that 30 is inadequate under certain contexts.