Jonathan R.

There hasn't actually been any kind of confirmation of that being true. In fact, they absolutely have mostly different stages and single player modes. What we do know is shared is that the games have the same set of characters with the same set of special moves. That doesn't necessarily mean they'll work identically.

I personally don't really agree with low framerates as a stylistic choice either. It's one thing to say that you would prefer to have a steady framerate that is lower so that you can focus on having higher fidelity visuals or more objects in a scene or something, but to say it's a specific value (24fps of all things)

I already addressed that, and it's my opinion that 30 is inadequate under certain contexts.

One thing that SSB 3DS has made really clear to me is that character customization is fun and that I want more and deeper character customization in the future.

IMO it really depends on the nature of the game. A fast moving action or platforming game can be kind of painful at 30 fps and switching between 30 fps and 60 fps in Mario Kart 8 (IE going from 2 to 3 players and/or back) is incredibly jarring and takes some getting used to. Meanwhile in a game with less rapid

To be fair, maintaining a good steady frame rate has a significant impact on gameplay.

Avoiding debates and not expending the effort to get the most out of each platform at the same time, it's win win!

Who's to say that the criteria measured in a snapshot doesn't translate to skill?

That has nothing to do with discerning driver skill. It's about determining a driver's likelihood of getting into accidents. Their snapshot tool simply tracks various metrics and uses those metrics to place people into risk categories based on the patterns of other users who they have actuarial data on. They don't

I'm just saying your hypothesis that men are more likely to consume more bandwidth due to torrenting is probably a faulty one because it's only based on one avenue through which content is delivered. I think men and women are roughly equal consumers of video delivered through the Internet.

Again, 'better driver' is a nebulous term. All they are tracking is the statistical likeliness to get into an accident. The terminology that should be used here is 'safe driver' or some derivative of that. No one is actually taking measurements of driver competency and risk-averse driving isn't necessarily more

Statistically less likely to get in an accident requiring insurance companies to pay out money. 'Better driver' is a somewhat nebulous term, and it's not one that insurance companies are concerned with.

I think you are severely underestimating the impact of streaming video and I wouldn't be at all surprised if the usage of Netflix/Hulu/etc was greater among females than males.

It's just a means of attempting to personalize an impersonal experience that was framed in a silly manner.

I prefer grate-gate - the controversy over what happened to my legendary bauxite grate in Dwarf Fortress (hint: it ends with everyone in the fortress dying) or pate-gate - the controversy over why Pate never kicked you down a hole in Dark Souls 2 in spite of being an obvious reference to Patches.

What a difference twenty years makes...

I'm pretty sure the dragons are only going to transform if they are certain they have green eyes, so there is no reason for any of them to just start changing on that basis. They can only narrow it down...

They are supposed to be perfectly logical, so they should be aware that the simple fact that the other dragons might not be sparrows because they weren't aware they had green eyes previously. They can't make a conclusion based on faulty reasoning.

IMO the next F-Zero (if that's ever a thing) game needs to have Ganondorf as a racer.

Eh, I classify spindash and drift and shit differently from rolling. I suppose to be fair he still does rolling animations a lot, but he does that when jumping, so... yeah.