Jonathan R.

One month from now on Gizmodo:

I have a feeling a lot of people are still going to end up favoring Windows 7 on account of a couple things...

Windows 10 is a menace!

It has the start screen and it also has a right click start button menu that can do things like take you to the control panel. It doesn't have the full blown start menu the way people have known it since Windows 95.

I generally favor a generic solution that allows more customization. If you just did it by allowing a window to be clipped to another, you could just open up a sticky note application (like one of those windows sidebar apps that started with Vista) and pin it to the window, put it where you want it and then whenever

8 and 4 sided are the real killers.

That doesn't mean that touch is getting deemphasized, though: Belfiore says touch is the direction that Microsoft sees computers trending towards, and sure enough you can still swipe in from the right side of the screen to pull up the Charms Bar. Rumors of its death were greatly exaggerated!

Only you know... wrapped inside a start menu.

In that case, you'll be pleased to know that someone is already working on StartScreenIsBack. It'll probably be poorly supported since no one is going to want that bullshit, but that's just comeuppance for all the people who tried to act like everyone who wanted the start menu was just 'wrong' for some magical reason.

So essentially, you want the ability to pin a window to the top of another window. That's actually fairly novel.

Oh no, now they've doomed themselves to that fake even numbered Windows curse!

can also be programmed should not be confused with must also be programmed.

The SecureDrives SSDs can also be programmed to automatically self-destruct when [...] it's been shielded from a GSM signal for a set period of time

I'm not reading all of that. Especially after your first sentence contains such a ridiculously hypocritical statement Mr. house analogy.

Ok, so your argument then is that Nintendo can tell you that your painting of Mario that holds sentimental value to you for whatever reason (for the sake of the hypothetical scenario, creating it was the last thing you ever did with your father before he passed away) is unauthorized and that you have to burn it, you

That's hardly a rational analogy. You could use the exact same reasoning to get pissed off at fan drawings or fan websites. But if Nintendo started suing everyone who drew Kirby (the gag here being that Kirby's Adventure opens with a short tutorial telling fans how to draw Kirby) no one would be happy about that. And

I disagree with your sentiment (that because Nintendo has legal authority to shut down projects that use their IP means that fans shouldn't be irate when they do), but it wasn't really what I was talking about anyway. I'm just saying that Nintendo has yet to issue a C&D to any projects that I'm familiar with... and

Fat chance.

Well, I was 2 when SMB3 came out, so by the time I got around to actually playing the SMB games, there were already three other titles to compare it to and it was pretty obvious which one was the odd man out.

Nintendo and SEGA have generally been pretty good about not issuing C&Ds to fangamers. Obviously Square Enix is the glowing example of when game companies do issue C&Ds.