Jonathan R.

At least the curvature helps to mitigate some of the viewing angle issues... granted, horizontal viewing angles haven't been as problematic on TN panels as vertical viewing angles for a while now.

Theater quality sound

Theater quality sound

Ugly box edition!

Ok, so you are saying he edited the version string?

What does that screenshot demonstrate exactly other than that a 3DS is running firmware 8.1.0-19U?

As far as I know, most of the Wii U exploits are still relatively limited in scope and all of them rely on browser exploits that can be closed if Nintendo issues an update to webkit. As for the 3DS, everyone using flash karts for it is stuck on old firmware which isn't distributed with new handhelds anymore. I'd

Well, they learned their lesson, but at this point neither is as popular as their easily compromised predecessor. Sort of makes it questionable whether all of that investment was worthwhile (and all the extra encryption and such comes with a cost). Piracy sucks, but I want myself some SSB4 mods!

You might want to get that checked out. Cyanosis is a pretty serious symptom.

Remember that SEGA published these.

Of course it isn't, I'm just saying you get a little more mileage out of it in a game where your characters actually spend enough time in close proximity to do something like this:

I'll just take bland retort that as your way of accepting the situation. On the other hand, if you want to be the butt of centuries old joke about pseudo-intellectuals, well... be my guest.

To be fair, level 9 CPUs in SSB4 are waaaaaaaay more evasive than the ones in Brawl ever were. It's not like a level 9 in one game is equivalent to a level 9 in another. It's... well, it's this joke:

Sure, to an extent. But I don't mind not getting the console experience on a handheld platform when the game in question doesn't hinge on having solid and precise analog controls. But this is Smash Bros. we are talking about... the game was built around the concept of analog controllers. Hell, that's basically where

I feel like your argument would be true of any game, though. Portable Metroid vs. console Metroid. Portable Metal Gear vs. console Metal Gear. Portable Sonic vs. console Sonic.

But is it really? When you get right down to it, this is a console game on a portable system. Sure, some content has been scaled down, but the gameplay more than just resembles that of its console siblings and it isn't like any major changes were made to the formula to make it better accommodate a portable platform.

Smash isn't Street Fighter. You aren't statistically likely to ever hit people just by flinging wildly on the controller the whole game and the controls were made in such a way that there isn't an element of luck to discovering things by doing random inputs.

They haven't actually confirmed all the controller options on the Wii U version. I wouldn't be surprised if they end up getting rid of some of the less useful ones (particularly wii remote on side). All those control options do add a bit of a development burden after all.

Presumably not since only the curious and the insane would opt to use a 3DS as a controller for the console version. I think the option is mostly there for if you are at a friend's house and they don't have extra controllers (or their extra controllers are... questionable).

The second issue is with jumping. Traditionally in Smash, even slight 'up' inputs were recorded—no need to flick. Your character will always jump if you press up, regardless of how fast you press it. This is why so many people turned off tap jumping. The fact the 3DS version doesn't do the same is strange, though it

I'm unimpressed by that credential.