Jonathan R.

He's showing remarkable flexibility in his bones!

By far the biggest slap in the face I can recall with DLC was playing FFXIII-2 and showing up at this crazy battle arena only to find that it was completely empty and that there was nothing to do there unless you bought DLC.

Well, it's actually slightly less than 50% of the content across both packs (it's a little hard to define, but 16 tracks = 50%, 6 racers = 20%, 8 vehicle sets, I'm not even sure, but probably in the 15-20% range, and also 0 new battle arena tracks as far as I'm aware — how you would weight those statistics is a

Who would have thought that a significant amount of new content for a fair price would leave a better taste in people's mouths than paying 20% of the release price of a game for less than 1% of the content that came with it?

At first I thought this was stupidly hard... mostly because I was trying to make matches fast rather than trying to make matches that count. Don't do that, especially at night where making lots of matches really quickly means making a huge army that your dude can't fight.

Heh, yes. It's not quite as awesome as when things are a little higher stakes (like catching a thrown baseball bat when you are at 90%), but it's still quite satisfying.

If Smash were meant to be crazy, don't you think they wouldn't have thrown in options like item switch and the ability to limit which stages are chosen by the random stage selector?

No, it really isn't. If you try to speak in an intellectual manner, using words like 'thus' and 'totality', you get yourself stuck with a different barometer from the ones that allow all the common misuse of words.

I like items, but when I'm playing to win and not just playing for shits and giggles, I generally limit it to very low/low frequency and only a subset of the items... mostly the ones that are less chaotic like shells, star rods (which were brutal when thrown in Melee), beam swords, capsules, and stuff like that. I've

To be fair, in a typical Kingdom Hearts game only about 3 or 4 important things happen and then the rest is all a bunch of Disney fluff that could be chosen at any time during development and have pretty much no impact on the plot or anything else that matters.

The majority of English speakers speak it rather poorly. I'm not really sure why you would want that to be your barometer for correctness.

There is a story behind that one too oddly enough. Inflammable was actually the original word and fell out of fashion because there was a natural fear that people thought inflammable would mean that something is not easily ignited, so flammable gained traction as both a shortening and as a means of avoiding the

I'm aware that more normal people accept it than a number of words. It's still a word that was coined as a joke for making fun of people who would use it and it's still a word that is redundant since thus is already an adverb. It's a pet peeve of mine sure, but it's a fairly popular one... even if it hasn't been

For what it's worth, I watched the video from the source in 1080p and it looks hideous there too.

Fair enough.

I would suggest you just take the advice rather than acting all defensive about it. I get it, thusly sounded correct to you just like irregardless (also defined on Webster's by the by) sounds correct to a lot of people. But it's not.

Just because something is defined doesn't mean it's proper.

Simulation is simulation is simulation.

Well, theoretically freeing up GPU power would allow more processing time to be spent on gameplay... although most gameplay logic is usually CPU bound. At the very least it would allow you to spend less money on graphics cards and more money on processors.