Jonathan R.

You know, I hear people say that a lot... but a lot of things in SSB kind of work against that convention... for instance:

True enough, it just evens things out... although in this case in the favor of someone who is probably ahead.

Incoming knockback modifier? What do you mean exactly, do you mean having fresh moves that haven't been reduced by staleness? Or is there some other thing that I'm not aware of.

This might seem balancing, but what it really means is that if someone takes your stock, you'll be at a disadvantage when trying to catch up with your fresh life.

*sees Reno, suddenly becomes aware of something*

Yeah, what they ought to do is have the game start at a ready screen (after all the loading and stuff is done) and then if it is ranked, require the players to click that they are ready before the game can actually start. For normals they can just autostart after 10 seconds or whatever, but for ranked there should be

Also unlike FFXIII... the game which makes me scream at my party 'You fucks! We have like 50 pheonix downs and Vanille knows revive and apparently none of you will bother to heal me? You suck!'

They aren't resistant to change, they just want it to stick with the same core genre and concepts. It's not like any two Final Fantasy games are really all that similar when it comes to how characters build strength and stuff. I mean... FF5, FF6, and FF7 all have more or less the same set of attacks and abilities

The timestamp says your response was a few minutes before mine.

You know what else is obsessive is responding to a comment over a month and a half after it was made.

Alkaizer is one of the best Diablo III players out there, sitting at the number one spot with his Barbarian on the Season 1 leaderboards and now—as this video proves—he has claimed this position with his Crusader as well. Pretty cool for a solo player.

In the end Final Fantasy XIII on Dive In was certainly playable—though lag and video problems made it far less enjoyable than when I played it on the PS3. However, it's important to point out that TGS with it's overburdened internet is far from the service's ideal conditions, so take the problems I had with a grain of

The important question to ask is what this means for that one self-imposed game you mentioned where you try to have 100 children in as few generations as possible.

That's the natural conundrum of trying to add value to two different products that kind of compete with each other.

Actually it's called the Farmer Assurance Provision... the Monsanto Protection Act is a disparaging moniker for it. A fair one, but still...

Probably less legal hoops to jump through for the space taxi. Plus you know... there aren't innumerable obstacles to account for in Space so long as you don't run into that space junk problem scientists tell us about sometimes.

I just wish the damn birds would sit still long enough for me to pick them up and load them into my slingshot.

No, as long as there is a market for non-GMO seeds, Monsanto will probably work to meet that demand. If not, then a competitor will carve a niche out of that demand.

They are either related problems or unrelated.

People need to seriously stop calling 'strawman' at every light-hearted joke. No, I don't seriously think people are afraid GMOs will lead to plants becoming violent plant pokemon hybrids.