Jonathan R.

To be fair, this is just the result of a lesser artist trying to draw a female spider-man in largely the same poses that you'd see regular spider-man in. Can you really fault Marvel for putting the B-team on a comic that no one is going to buy anyway?

Sadly I never got to blow up a tank. My last year there we actually were selecting an old soviet tank to use as a test for some kind of anti-tank weapon, but I went off to pursue other things before that test ended up happening.

Because they just aren't particularly related problems. The fact that they are able to squeeze other players out of the seed industry comes more from their size and resources than it does with their GMO patent abuse.

I think monopolization of the seed supply is really a separate and distinct problem from the rise of GMOs.

Heh, yeah, some people have a tendency to go off on people who have any kind of history working on military projects. Really, I was more on the testing end and mostly stuff involving rockets and warheads. Still lots of neat stuff to do and lots of flashy explosions to see.

Your options right now when it comes to getting seeds for a summer garden are to either buy them or collect them. I don't see how GMO seeds becoming more prevalent changes those options. Some GMOs do have seeds that won't grow, but for obvious reasons you don't have to worry about those kinds of plants proliferating

I don't think the GMO seed manufacturers are going after people for having their seeds in a home garden. Don't get me wrong, some of the legal maneuvers companies like Monsanto and such do are absolutely heinous, but the situation you are describing is a little overblown.

Too true. I found FFXIII to be a frustratingly linear game, but I still enjoyed playing it. I might hate all the characters in it (except Sazh), and I might wonder why I'm not just playing an older, better Final Fantasy game the whole time, but it was at least worth exploring.

I guess it just hits home because I used to work in an industry full of bacronyms, TLAs, and this exact sort of jargon.

I fucking hate this series, but I know exactly the reason people like it. It's the exact same reason I like the Disgaea series even though most of the entries in the series are kinda shitty (somehow only the first ever had anything resembling a compelling story, though I guess D4 kinda came close). We are addicted to

Ionized polymer syballistic attack platform. The system's lethality is dynamically robust across tactical spaces.

That last one is like Germany meets the Union Jack. It could also use some design rework because to be honest, the mixture of line weights and the way the angles meet just kind of looks tacky... though the same is true of the normal Union Jack right now.

Or I can just look at some of the kudzu that is way too prevalent here in the South-East. Makes for some awesome looking photos though:

To be fair, the engine switch is probably a big part of why people were pulled... it's very hard to get good assets built for a project in the middle of a transition to something completely new like that, so they probably only needed the core team while all of that stuff was being refined.

Rip off of FFVII? We know basically nothing about the plot, little about the setting, or really anything substantial so far. Is the fact that it looks contemporary what has you out of place? Because that's crazy... contemporary settings are very rare in RPGs, J or otherwise.

Pretty sure it'll execute a smash attack based on the direction that you tap it in (or execute your typical aerial normal attacks/dash attack/etc). I think they said as much overtly.

Fuck, I ddn't think posting that link would turn me into a defacto advertiser.

There's your problem. This article... this one right here... that's not journalism. Not games journalism or any other kind of journalism. It's just entertainment.

Oh dude, what do you really care. Clearly the whole purpose of this post was just to share a video (well, a song more accurately). Mission accomplished.

and yes, there are vocals