There's your problem. This article... this one right here... that's not journalism. Not games journalism or any other kind of journalism. It's just entertainment.
There's your problem. This article... this one right here... that's not journalism. Not games journalism or any other kind of journalism. It's just entertainment.
Oh dude, what do you really care. Clearly the whole purpose of this post was just to share a video (well, a song more accurately). Mission accomplished.
and yes, there are vocals
Dude, if someone is willing to risk incarceration to take your shit you should never think it's a stretch that they'll cross worse lines.
"I know he wants a shiny hitmonchan for it, but damnit... this is the Bidoof from my dreams!"
Eh, I'm just assuming that's what most engines would do to clear it. I'm not actually sure if they do it that way. It doesn't really much much of a difference though, the vast majority of the work is just going to be against fill rate either way.
Damnit, now I feel bad for questioning why you would cover this. My explanation from another post:
If you think they don't do this on the other platforms, I don't know what to tell you. No matter which platform you are on, rendering the full screen buffer with blank crap is a waste of time... and the jump from 720 to 1080p roughly doubles that time (yeah, better graphics hardware reduces that significantly, but…
No it doesn't.
No no, just being excited enough about a fucking donut to pre-order it.
This is such a common thing and it's so easy to explain that I don't even get why bloggers talk about it anymore.
Sure, but I've spent hundreds of hours building up my parties in the various Disgaea games, and there my effort is worthless.
That's a natural side effect of adding human eyes to what used to be an automated process. Believe me, I've been there before... I was part of a forum staff that started having a rather significant invasion of spam bots and we had to come up with counter-measures to that which involved screening by hand. It sucks.
The approved users system is not the starred users system. It isn't about trying to limit visibility of people who have differing opinions from Kotaku staff or even inflammatory and immature opinions, it's strictly about preventing abusive use of the commenting system such as posting shock images and payed…
The preorder bonus should be a diabetes pamphlet. You probably need one if you are the kind of person who would preorder donuts.
At least they didn't mention something like an exclusive Slimer Donut (or sprinkles DLC) for preordering.
Oh, also, go play Resonance of Fate. It's... an entire JRPG that takes place in a dystopian city with a huge class based society where the city's wealthiest residents live at the top level while the lower level residents live closer to the bottom.
I feel the same way when I play any Disgaea game (other than the first), but for some reason raising some number strictly so that I can slap down other things with other ever increasing numbers with less difficulty is addictive.
You could say the exact same thing about them having an identical roster. Maybe what he really meant is just that every character in the 3DS version will be in the Wii U version. We won't know until it's out... let's just say for now that it seems like their intentions either weren't stated as they really were or…
To be fair, Sakurai said lots of things. Like that we shouldn't expect much expansion of the roster in the first place for instance, but the actual count of characters ended up being roughly the same as the jump from Melee to Brawl.