The work of Jonny Barry, he's actually made ten pairs of these, which he'll be selling for (those not familiar with custom sneakers may want to avert their eyes) $950.
The work of Jonny Barry, he's actually made ten pairs of these, which he'll be selling for (those not familiar with custom sneakers may want to avert their eyes) $950.
You know what I think? I think a remake shouldn't try to do all of the stupid crap that makes the Final Fantasy games developed lately take so damn long to complete. There was never anything wrong with the pre-rendered backgrounds in Final Fantasy 7 aside from maybe a handful of areas where things weren't visually…
Everything changed when the Beyonce Nation attacked.
Who knows, maybe in the future they'll even add the following:
When you consider that Trunks was older in the future timeline than he was when the whole Buu thing happened in the main timeline, it seems that Buu was a nonfactor for some reason. It doesn't prevent Bulma from acquiring time lord status like the theory proposes
And your first sentence doesn't say anything to contradict the claim I made that you mentioned in the second sentence. No one here is arguing that completely unique characters don't add more value than clones or even that time spent adding clones wouldn't be better spent working on more unique characters even if it…
Theory falls apart when you remember that Dr. Gero's ridiculously super-powered androids were only able to be made because he was studying Goku and everyone he fought with the whole time.
Little work for even less value than what exactly? There was no context to set you up for that sentence.
Even if the character select screen didn't have any physical space, rearranging a character select screen is piss-easy in the grand scheme of things :P
Because making 10,000 Mario variants is a lot of work for little added value. As opposed to you know... little work for some value.
The fact that they are already basically done is reason enough for their inclusion. Removing them doesn't add anything to the game.
There is not some limited number of characters they can have in the game you know. It's not like they can just trade five characters for another five at the drop of a hat. Besides, the five you described are clones and took considerably less effort to create since they already had a template to build them from and all…
If enough people refer to them that way, it'll become their defacto names :P
Yeah, I'm personally hoping that the Wii U version releases with a number of the characters from Melee and Brawl that got missed (revamped Squirtle, revamped Ivysaur, Lucas, Mewtwo, Ice Climbers, Wolf, Snake, possibly Roy?) which maybe gets added to the 3DS version either by patching or as a bonus to people who buy…
That's 15. More if you consider all the possible variations on the Mii. Plus, Robin can be a man or a woman, Bowser Jr.'s alternate costumes are the seven Koopalings (Roy, Iggy, Lemmy, Larry, Morton, Wendy, Ludvig), and Duck Hunt Dog is the goddamn dog from Duck Hunt.
To be fair, Gold and Silver had way more content, Nearly twice as much,
It's not their money that they are gambling with when they are working with a publisher like that.
That's not really harassment specific to women. Just look at Halo, the lack of a female character does little to curb the rampant 'teabagging'.
No no, it's meta in that it's thinking beyond the rules of the game and establishing a new set... classical outside the box thinking. A minigame is typically a smaller game within a game that has well defined rules rather than ones that are created by (and enforced by) the player. I suppose technically it's kind of…
Thank you Mr. Owl.