Jonathan R.

Yeah, I'm personally hoping that the Wii U version releases with a number of the characters from Melee and Brawl that got missed (revamped Squirtle, revamped Ivysaur, Lucas, Mewtwo, Ice Climbers, Wolf, Snake, possibly Roy?) which maybe gets added to the 3DS version either by patching or as a bonus to people who buy

That's 15. More if you consider all the possible variations on the Mii. Plus, Robin can be a man or a woman, Bowser Jr.'s alternate costumes are the seven Koopalings (Roy, Iggy, Lemmy, Larry, Morton, Wendy, Ludvig), and Duck Hunt Dog is the goddamn dog from Duck Hunt.

In order to fight extreme extremeness, you must become extreme extremeness. You must don your xtreme cold weather gear, snowboard your way to the top of a mountain, and skin some yetis once you reach the top.

I trust Sauron's way of seeing things. Seeing is what he's good at right?

To be fair, Gold and Silver had way more content, Nearly twice as much,

It's not their money that they are gambling with when they are working with a publisher like that.

That's not really harassment specific to women. Just look at Halo, the lack of a female character does little to curb the rampant 'teabagging'.

No no, it's meta in that it's thinking beyond the rules of the game and establishing a new set... classical outside the box thinking. A minigame is typically a smaller game within a game that has well defined rules rather than ones that are created by (and enforced by) the player. I suppose technically it's kind of

Thank you Mr. Owl.

most players who actually play the game long enough to enjoy the sum of its content

Dr. Mario's specials? Plural? Aside from mega-vitamins, I don't think they were that different. At least not in Melee.

Hey, I agree with you entirely that Notch got a great deal. No argument there. To be fair though, he already had the kind of money one needs to be able to do pretty much whatever you want.

I think by millions he means the amount of money that Minecraft was bringing in to Mojang across all platforms + merchandising, not including the sale of the company.

That's what I understood the statement to literally mean, but double negation across multiple sentences with added context isn't just confusing to readers, it's also confusing to writers... which is what left me wondering if his words matched his intent.

"Why'd Microsoft pay so much for Minecraft? It's a fad past its prime."
"Pokemon's a fad that's past its prime"

That's a weirdly worded statement that leaves me wondering if your intent matches what you said. Would you or wouldn't you sell an IP that made you millions over several years for 2.5 billion dollars?

The fact that it is incapable of piping things? It's a cross-section of a pipe.

It is extremely addictive for people with a certain mindset. I personally have had Minecraft sessions that have lasted longer than 24 hours, and I'm what you'd call a middle to upper-middle player when it comes to the scale of things I've done. The range goes much higher.

$2.5 billion might sound like a lot to you and me, but as far as Microsoft is concerned it hardly registers.

They are not. They are both citrus sodas yes, but Vault was a highly caffeinated beverage more in line with Mountain Dew MDX while Surge was just Coke's answer to regular Mountain Dew.